標題: 農鄉與都市的交會:竹北東海地區的地方與社群重構
The Intersection of Country and City: Locality and Community Reconstruction Occurs in a Taiwanese Village
作者: 葉明政
Yeh, Ming-Cheng
Chuang, Ya-Chung
關鍵字: 地方;社群;竹北東海地區;臺灣知識經濟旗艦園區(璞玉計畫);Locality;Community;Region of Tonghai in Zhubei City;Taiwan Knowledge-Based Economy Flagship Park (Puyu Development Plan)
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 座落於新竹縣治竹北市的東海地區,係由客家族群為主的散村聚落,亦是行政院農業委員會劃定的特定農業區。自2000年起,面臨臺灣知識經濟旗艦園區(前身為「璞玉計畫」,簡稱臺知園區)的都市計畫徵收,產生經濟發展、農鄉生計及其土地觀的扞格與爭議-當地居民如何透過其實踐、參與東海社區發展協會的集體行動與反對/贊同土地徵收社會運動組織的衝突(分別是竹北璞玉自救會與竹北市璞玉計畫促進會),以及國內土地運動之相關非政府組織、知識份子介入、互動和競合,以回應、論辯與反思1980年代以降新竹縣官方從縣治都市計畫、高鐵特區至臺知園區這些土地發展計畫的介入所打造的科學城空間治理。竹北東海作為一個地區的載體,面對土地徵收過程中貌似為運動論述的競技場,然而,地方內部社會關係之形塑並非始於徵收之時,作為一個都市邊緣的鄰里,地方或是社群的界域與20世紀臺灣不同時期的歷史際遇有深切勾連。近年東海區域經由社區活動、鄰里巡守與另類實踐的生活樣態、集體行動來想像地方,審視過去的都市政治經濟擴張。藉由這場運動體現出內部親屬、家族、產業、友誼與社區組織間的地方和社群重構之意義,成為有別於鄰近新興都市社區,由農鄉與都市所交會的竹北東海地區。
The region of Tonghai located in the county seat Zhubei City of Hsinchu is a Hakka dispersed settlement. Also, the region is a “special agricultural district” demarcated by Council of Agriculture in Executive Yuan. Confronting the urban plan expropriation called “Taiwan Knowledge-Based Economy Flagship Park” (formerly named Puyu Development Plan) since 2000, and in the arguments of economic development, agrarian livelihood along with the notions of land, villagers/informants in region of Tonghai dialogue and reflex toward the urban governmentality of science park built by the Hsinchu County officials in 1980s. Furthermore, villagers/informants make the reflexivities by participating, involving and competing in collective actions with “Tonghai Community Development Association”, dual positions associations of land expropriation called “Zhubei Puyu Self-Help (opposition)” and “Zhubei City Puyu Plan Advocacy (consent)”, the non-government organizations (NGOs) and intellectuals engaging in land movements in Taiwan. The region of Tonghai is considered to be an arena in social movement discourses. Instead of beginning the urban expropriation, the region neighborhood as a periphery of city has been making the boundary of locality/community with the urban outspread process of Taiwan in 20th century. By involving in the communal activities, neighbor patrols and alternative practices, villagers/informants in region of Tonghai imagine their locality to examine the urban politio-economical expansions. In the key of their practices, villagers embody the meaning of locality and community reconstruction between the kinships, families, industries, friendships and associations, and make the region of Tonghai in the intersection of country and city to face with the urbanism.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079953506