標題: 地景與權力:竹北六家地區生活空間的前世今生
Landscape and Power: the past and the present of the living space in Liujia, Zhubei
作者: 林美辰
Lin, Mei-Chen
Chuang, Ya-Chung
關鍵字: 竹北六家;都市化;東海里;地方感;純正性;Liujia in Zhubei City;urbanization;Dong Hai village;sense of place;authentic
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 文化的多樣性如何在資本主義發展歷史當中走出自己的路?本研究承載兩個目的:一是思索都市的問題,同時在變動中的農村地景探索地方文化的轉變與創造。二是透過田野工作,梳理地方在文化形塑過程中產生的衝突與矛盾。 本研究的案例竹北六家地區因為2006年新竹高鐵車站的落成,開啟了農村都市化進程,創造了一個全新的生活空間。新的土地使用計畫衝擊原本具有豐富樣貌的在地生活,空間與地景因而劇烈變化,但也因此引爆居民對於家園與文化的激烈爭辯。
How can the cultural diversity find its own way in the development of capitalism? My analysis demonstrates that: firstly, to contemplate the problems of the city, and to explore the change and innovation of the culture in the mobile rural landscape. Secondly, to reflect on modern spatiality through the formation of place by the fieldwork, and to organize the conflict and contradiction produced by the formation of the space. In 2006, one of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Stations was completed in Zhubei City. The building of the station connects itself to the Liujia community. The village is urbanized because of the capitalism. Urban planning division created a brand new living space. The new land-use plan has changed the region of diversity and traditional lifestyle. Therefore, landscape and space have started an unusual transaction with each other, arousing the intense dispute on the place and culture.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070155205