Title: 智慧電網及再生能源併網後電價計費關鍵因素分析
A study of electricity price key factors with smart-grid and renewable energy sourcing into grid-connected
Authors: 劉美儀
Liu, Mei-Yi
Hung, Chin-Young
Keywords: 智慧電網;再生能源;電力市場;電力規劃;電價機制;需求面管理;Smart Grid;Renewable Energy;Electricity Market;Electricity planning;Pricing Mechanism;Demand side management
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract:   為提高能源安全及能源自主,各國均積極推廣再生能源布建及電網強化,而台灣屬島嶼型獨立電網且能源供應高度仰賴進口,近年亦規劃多項能源轉型及智慧電網政策,以最佳化供需能源利用。由電網結構轉變,思考對需求面最直接影響之合理電價與健全電網之關連,為本研究探討重點。
In order to improve energy security and energy-independent, countries aggressively promoting the deployment of renewable energy and strengthening their electrical power grid. Because the power-grid is independent and islanding in Taiwan, and energy resources is mostly supplied by importing, many energy transition and smart grid policies have been drawn up to optimize supply and demand energy usage.
The purpose of this study was to investigate what are the associated factors of electricity price while smart-grid developed and large amount renewable energy connected to the grid, using the document analysis and the in-depth interview technique.
Through the analysis revealed that associated factors were: energy structure, electricity market model, construct cost, power industry developmen, the sharing of power-supply responsibility, user-pays, application of power grid information, power quality requirements and power outage cost.
This study’s recommendations were that, adjust the energy policy on demand side, cultivate power data analyst to facilitate the multi-price, clarify electricity supply responsibility to enhance energy efficiency, set the price discrimination according to the generation cost, consider power outage cost from industry characteristics, set the price adjustment frequency according to electricity industry characteristics, power construction funds pay form power income to reduce cross-subsidy, strengthen energy management to replace industrial protection, social responsibility expenditure pay from the government budget to reflect the external costs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463523
Appears in Collections:Thesis