標題: 具有情緒之人群模擬及導覽技術之互動式虛擬導覽系統
An Interactive Virtual Tour System based on Emotional Crowd Simulation and Travelling Techniques
作者: 黃柏翰
關鍵字: 虛擬實境;使用者測試;虛擬導覽技術;Virtual reality;Usability testing;virtual travel techniques
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本篇論文提出一個結合具有情緒之人群模擬,並利用頭戴式顯示器、 控制器來操作的互動式虛擬導覽系統以及探討不同導覽方式是否可增加使用者在導覽系統內的體驗。 我們將導覽方式分成手動、半自動以及全自動等三大分類以及五項不同的導覽模式來探討並做使用者測試, 其分別是 1)自由行走模式、 2)單一速度模式、 3)動態速度模式、 4)可控制速度模式, 以及5)無人機模式, 並記錄不同模式下的使用者體驗及效果, 並探討將具情緒人群模擬結合至互動式虛擬導覽系統是否可增加使用者在虛擬環境內的沉浸感。 使用者測試結果顯示, 這五種導覽模式對於本系統是有用的且他們其中具有顯著差異, 在物件及資訊的回憶中,除了單一速度模式,其他四種模式結果相似, 而若將具情緒之人群模擬結合至互動式虛擬導覽系統確實可增加使用者的體驗及沉浸感。
In this thesis, we implemented a system for travelling in virtual outdoor scenes. We evaluated the system usability and three categories of virtual travel techniques for their functional utility. These three categories of virtual travel techniques are manual, semi-automatic and automatic. In total, our system supports five virtual travel modes: free walk, uniform, dynamic, controllable and drone modes. In the former four modes, the movement paths are on ground level while the last mode enables moving in the air. The result of a user study indicated that the proposed system was useful in exploring the outdoor scenes. There was a significant difference among the five virtual travel techniques in terms of functionality. In general, the object and information recalls were similar to all the virtual travel techniques except for the uniform speed travel mode. We also proposed a study of whether the emotion of the virtual crowd affects the presence of the virtual environment. Result indicated that emotional virtual crowd would give users more immersive experience than unemotional virtual crowd.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456609
Appears in Collections:Thesis