Title: 台灣生物技術產業之學研技術移轉影響因素分析
Analysis of Influential Factors of Technology Transfer from Research Institutes in Taiwanese Biotechnology Industry
Authors: 林韋廷
Lin, Wei-Ting
Chen, Shih-Hsin
Keywords: 台灣生技產業學研技轉;技轉單位;解釋性連續混合方法;DANP;Technology transfer from academia in Taiwanese biotechnology industry;TTOs;explanatory sequential mixed-method;DANP
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 生技產業是台灣相當受到重視的新興產業,許多生技公司必須仰賴外部知識與技術以促進創新,尤其是學校與研究機構的研發成果。技術移轉是從學術界取得知識與技術的重要管道之一,往往會透過技轉單位協助處理技轉程序;然而,由學術界技轉的過程仍然會遭遇障礙,而影響技轉的績效。因此,本研究為探究如何增進與改善我國生技產業中的學研技轉,由文獻中調查技轉的影響因素,並彙整為14項準則與5項構面,包括「政策、制度與法規」、「技術之特性與品質」、「技轉單位之社會網路」、「技轉單位之資源」、「技轉單位之服務及營運模式」。為瞭解構面與準則之間潛在的交互影響關係,本研究利用解釋性連續之混合方法,結合量化之DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP)與質化訪談,調查與分析我國生技產業學研技轉過程重要角色之技轉單位人員意見。本研究以曾參與台北生技獎獲技轉獎之技轉案的大學、研究機構技轉單位為主要研究對象,先收集了26份專家問卷,並以DANP方法進行分析,獲得構面與準則間的影響網路關係圖及優先權重。本研究再訪談參與台北生技獎獲技轉獎案例之16位技轉單位經理或主任,以檢驗與解釋DANP分析之交互影響關係在實務情境中的意義。本研究發現政策、制度與法規對於其他4項構面皆有強烈影響,且技轉單位之資源、服務及營運模式會互相影響,而技轉單位之資源也影響了技術的特性與品質。此外,本研究也基於影響網路關係圖之架構,進一步透過訪談調查我國生技產業中學研技轉現況的重要障礙,以及這些障礙所造成的連帶影響。本研究最後整合了交互影響架構及受訪技轉人員意見,提出系統化改善的政策建議,包括流程精簡化、適當控制資源、提升技術競爭力之策略,以促進我國生技產業之學研技轉。
Biotechnology industry is an emerging industry which had received attention in Taiwan. Many firms in biotechnology industry rely heavily on external sources of knowledge and technology for innovation, especially from academia, such as universities and research institutes. Technology transfer is one of the most important channels for firms to receive knowledge and technology from academia. Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) play important roles in assisting technology transfer process from academia. However, TTOs may encounter obstacles and have lower performance in technology transfer process. Thus, this paper aimed to improve and enhance the performance of technology transfer from academia in Taiwan. Firstly, this paper reviewed literatures of attributes influence technology transfer, including 14 criteria and 5 dimensions. The 5 dimensions are “policies, regulations, and laws”, “characters and qualities of the technology”, “social network of TTOs”, “characters and resources of TTOs”, and “management strategies of TTOs”. For understanding the interdependent relationship between the dimensions and criteria, this paper applied explanatory sequential mixed-method. We collected 26 questionnaire responses from the staff in the TTOs of universities and research institutes, which had participated in the Taipei Biotech Award. The quantitative DANP analysis generated the influential network relation map and the priority weights of the dimensions and criteria. For validating and explaining the empirical meaning of the DANP analysis, this paper also interviewed the manager/directors of TTOs of Taipei Biotech Award. The results show that “policies, regulations, and laws” highly influence the other dimensions. “Characters and resources of TTOs” and “management strategies of TTOs” influence each other. “Characters and resources of TTOs” also influence “characters and resources of TTOs”. This thesis further investigate the systematic barrier of transferring technology from research organizations to the industry. Based on the results of DANP and interviews, this paper provided policy suggestions for enhancing and improving technology transfer from academia into Taiwanese biotechnology industry, including the strategies of procedure-simplifying, resourcses-controling, and competiveness-enhancing.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070083506
Appears in Collections:Thesis