標題: 以商用人工耳蝸技術的即時電刺激方法
Real-time Electrical Stimulation using commercially available Cochlear Implants technologies
作者: 羅杰軻
Jelani Lawrence
Choi, Charles T. M.
關鍵字: 人工耳蝸;人工電子耳;電刺激;資料通訊;刺激方式;cochlear implant;electrical stimulation;data communication;stimulation strategies
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 此論文報告詳細記錄了一系列的實驗,有關於試圖解碼商用人工耳蝸(Cochlear Implant, CI)裝置的控制數據。透過手術將電子耳植入於患者耳朵後方的皮下組織,植入的人工耳蝸包含了一連串的電極陣列,此電極陣列會沿著耳蝸被植入。商用人工耳蝸在製造時,已把刺激策略建立在系統內的語音/聲音處理器組件。然而,繞過一些系統的裝置,例如上述所提到的語音/聲音處理器,通過使用多種的電極刺激策略,可以有助於實現即時的電刺激。 此論文的最終目標是要能夠即時的給予特定的刺激策略以刺激耳蝸。當達成這個目標之後,實驗可以朝著很多的方向繼續進行,例如使用不同的刺激策略,比較各種不同的刺激策略,甚至是收集電刺激的數據。
The details written in this document, records a series of experiments in which attempts were made to decode the control data for a commercially available cochlear implant (CI) device. Cochlear implants are surgically implanted under the skin located just behind the ear of a patient with the attached electrode array reaching into the cochlea. Commercially available cochlear implant systems are made with their manufacture’s stimulation strategy built into the speech/sound processor component of the system. However, bypassing components such as the above-mentioned speech/sound processor can facilitate real-time electrical stimulation using various stimulation strategies. The overall goal is to be able to execute a given cochlear implant stimulation strategy in real-time. Upon achieving this goal, doors to many possibilities would be opened, such as, using different stimulating strategies, comparing strategies and even data collection.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070160826