標題: 棋類遊戲線上對戰框架與案例研究
A Software Framework for Online Board Game and Case Study
作者: 林立夫
Lin, Li-Fu
Wu, I-Chen
關鍵字: 暗棋;線上遊戲;棋類遊戲;Chinese Dark Chess;Online Game;Board Game
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 手機遊戲快速普及,即便各類型遊戲不斷推出,棋盤類遊戲仍歷久不衰。任何手機遊戲中線上對戰是不可或缺的部分,對戰流程必須具備簡易且友善的使用者操作。 線上對戰的流程中有許多共通的行為是可以在各種棋類的線上對戰使用,比如找對手、斷線處理、重連、同步等行為。這些共通行為可設計成為框架,並作為各種棋盤遊戲的半成品。 在本論文中,我們設計一個在行動裝置進行棋盤類遊戲的線上對戰框架,該框架實作線上對戰主機與iOS行動裝置在棋盤遊戲中的互動行為。在線上對戰主機端提供介面可與行動裝置間的資訊推送與同步。在iOS行動裝置的設計上,將棋子定位、遊戲規則邏輯與連線對戰主機的設計成為獨立模組,套用此框架的遊戲開發者能加速開發棋盤類遊戲,同時開發者可更專注在遊戲本身的內容設計。在案例研究中,在iOS開發暗棋APP, 提供的遊戲模式有線上對戰、挑戰電腦、雙人對奕、詰棋闖關與對奕紀錄。
Mobile gaming is growing in popularity. Even though various kinds of mobile games were released, board game is still one of long-lasting game. It is important to have online board games on mobile apps. Mobile games should be simpler to play. This makes them much easier to use and accessible for players. For online games, procedures of finding opponents, handling broken connection, reconnection and synchronization etc. are common behaviors and can be a framework for other board games. In this thesis, we design a software framework for mobile online board game. This framework implements communication between mobile client and server, design server interfaces interact with client for transporting and synchronization. Furthermore, this framework provides some common modules for iOS board game and separate game rule logic, locating games and online message communication. The iOS developers only need to focus on the development of game rule logic and user interface, so they can implement online board games more easily and efficiently.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070256817
Appears in Collections:Thesis