Title: 具分級管理功能的化學品管理系統
The Chemicals Management System with Control Banding
Authors: 賴美雯
Keywords: 化學品分級管理;化學品管理系統;暴露評估;管控措施。;chemical control banding;chemical management system;exposure assessment;control measures
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 化學品的使用猶如一刀兩刃,它有助於經濟發展,卻也帶來危害人體健康的壓力。勞動部「危害性化學品評估及分級管理辦法」於104年正式施行,要求雇主對於符合CNS 15030化學品分類,具有健康危害的化學品,應評估其風險等級,並採取對應的分級管理措施。此辦法將有容許暴露標準(Permissible Exposure Limit, PEL)與應環境監測之化學品作業,訂定分級原則外,亦導入全新概念的定性、半定量暴露評估的化學品分級管理工具(Chemical Control Banding, CCB),其實施步驟簡單、有效率,可強化化學品危害預防之成效。 為符合法令,本研究選定某研究機構既有化學品管理系統(Chemical Management System, CMS),擴增其檢索與分級管理功能。藉由盤查法規與系統現況,瞭解法規要求與系統落差,再運用愛德華‧戴明 (Edwards Deming) PDCA方法建置系統,並應用於該機構實驗室作業場所,以驗證系統的妥適性。 本研究篩選運作危害性化學品之實驗室,實施評估與風險分級,以找出高風險、殘餘風險、或未符合之作業場所,同步建立CMS化學品分級管理作業機制。結果顯示,作業場所暴露防止措施均符合CCB建議;監測或推估的暴露濃度值,與PEL比較後,屬第三級管理應即刻改善筆數,占應實施評估總數的2%,待監測或推估者達48%,相關結果提供機構續行評估與改善,另檢討CCB施行於案例機構之效益,期使有效降低潛在職業安全衛生風險。
While the production and use of chemicals facilitate economic progress, they can also be harmful to human health. The Ministry of Labor officially promulgated the Regulations Governing Assessment and Control Banding of Hazardous Chemicals in 2015, requiring employers to classify chemicals according to CNS 15030 and take necessary measures to contain hazardous chemicals based on their classifications. The Regulations provide grading principles for permissible exposure limits (PELs) and working environments that should be monitored and incorporate chemical control banding (CCB) tools with all new concepts for qualitative and semi-quantitative exposure assessment. The simple and effective implementation procedures can enhance the prevention of chemical hazards. In compliance with the Regulations, this study selected an existing chemical management system (CMS) of a research institute and expanded its indexing and control banding functions. This study investigated current regulations and system conditions to understand the discrepancies between the system and regulatory requirements and then employed Deming’ PDCA to improve the system and apply it to operations in its laboratory to verify its appropriateness. The laboratories selected for this study handle hazardous chemicals, which were assessed and classified to identify operating sites with high risks, residual risks, or regulatory non-compliances. At the same time, this study develops CMS-CCB procedures. The results indicate that the exposure prevention measures at the operating sites all complied with CCB suggestions. Detected and estimated exposure concentrations are compared with PELs for operating sites, and the results reveale that 2% of the assessment items belong to Category 3 and requires immediate improvement, while 48% necessitate further monitoring or assessment. The results of this study provide reference to the case study laboratories for further assessment and improvement. This study also examined the benefits of implementing CCB in the laboratories of the institue. It is hoped that the CCB can effectively reduce potential occupational safety and health risks.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070161504
Appears in Collections:Thesis