标题: 使用砷化铟铝阻挡层与三氧化二铝介电层于砷化铟镓鳍式电晶体之电性研究
Investigation of Electrical Characteristics on 100-nm InGaAs Channel FinFET Using InAlAs Back Barrier and Al2O3 Gate Dielectric
作者: 林育辰
Lin, Yu-Chen
Chang, Chun-Yen
Lin, Chien-Chung
关键字: 砷化铟镓;鳍式电晶体;氧化铝;InGaAs;FinFET;Al2O3
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 本论文是已III-V材料InGaAs作为基板,透过矽基制程相同的技术去制作III-V半导体鳍式电晶体(Bulk III-V FinFET),并且开发所需关键技术包括: Al2O3/InXGa1-XAs高介电材料/金属闸极技术、无金之源极/汲极接面技术、奈米三维InXGa1-XAs鳍式通道技术,最后在透过III-V 3D元件结构设计与模拟去验证。本研究成果将可应用于未来次七奈米以下的低耗能异质三维电晶体开发与制作。
首先,我们介绍砷化铟镓材料电容的制作流程,我们使用湿式化学溶液制程和原子层化学沉积的三甲基铝气体(Trimethyl Aluminum, TMA)的预先处理方式,对于改善Al2O3/InGaAs 介面品质是有不错的效果。透过电容电压(C-V)量测数据结合理论分析可以得知氧化铝沉积在砷化铟镓基板上的等效电容厚度(capacitance equivalent thickness,CET)大约6.91 nm,并采用电导法计算出界面缺陷电荷密度大约8×1011 /eVcm2,且可以由霍尔量测得知砷化铟镓材料电子迁移率大约1630 cm²/V-s。
最后我们将最佳的电容特性应用在电晶体上,成功地制造出元件尺寸为通道宽度40 nm和闸极长度200 nm 的砷化铟镓鳍式电晶体。为了使元件达到更佳的逆向偏压特性,我们在通道层下方嵌入宽能隙材料砷化铟铝当作阻挡层,因此在电性控制能力上有较佳的表现。此元件在驱动电压为1.3伏特及汲极电压为0.5伏特下,展现出大的驱动电流74.5 A/m,陡峭之次临界摆幅为(Subthreshold swing, SS) 334 mV/dec、且此元件开关电流比(ION/IOFF ratio)大于102,薄片电阻(specific contact resistivity,ρc)为6.7×10-6 Ω-cm2 。
A bulk InGaAs-based FinFET device compatible with Si-technology has been developed in this thesis. Here also applied several key techniques, including fabrication of Al2O3/InxGa1-xAs MOS, gold-free S/D contact, nano-scaled channel of InxGa1-xAs with 3D FinFET structure and the design simulation modeling of III-V 3D FinFET. All of the experimental results show these technologies could be utilized for low power consumption 3D transistor with dimension of less than 7nm.
First, we studied the characteristics of InGaAs and Al2O3 by fabricating MOS capacitor. The capacitance equivalent thickness (CET) was about 6.91 nm by C-V measurement of Al2O3/InGaAs MOS capacitor. The Dit estimated by the conductance method was about 8×1011 /eVcm2. The electron mobility of InGaAs was about 1630 cm²/V-s by Hall measurement.
Finally, InGaAs-based FinFET on InP substrate with back barrier layer was successfully fabricated. The dimension of the device has channel length of 40nm and gate length of 200nm, a wide band gap material of InAlAs as a barrier layer embedded in the back side of the channel for reducing current leakage of junction. The driving voltage of 1.3V and drain voltage of 0.5V, a high driving current of 74.5μA/μm, the subthreshold swing (SS) of about 334 mV/dec, the ION/IOFF ratio of about 102, and specific contact resistivity (ρc) of about 6.7×〖10〗^(-6) Ω-cm2 were achieved.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070258023