標題: 仿生適應性關節系統: 以遮陽為例
A Biomimetic Multi-Joint System for Adaptive Shading
作者: 杜懷茹
Tu, Huai-Ju
Hou, June-Hao
關鍵字: 適應性建築;仿生設計;多關節系統;協同;冗餘;魟魚;Adaptive architecture;Biomimicry;Multi-Joint System;Synergy;redundancy;Stingray
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 適應性建築在當代獲得極大的重視,遮陽則為最常見的適應性建築系統。遮陽也被賦予調節天光與氣候等外在環境的責任,但目前的機械遮陽設備依然有其缺點所在,以機械遮陽棚為例,此遮陽系統所提供的遮陽模式過少,並不能真正適應在一年中每一天每一個時刻都不同的太陽角度,容易造成過度遮陽或是過度曝曬的效果。除此之外,這種機械系統只要其中有一個環節錯誤,即會導致整個遮陽機制停擺。 自然界有類似的設計,並且能夠解決我們正面對的問題。以魟魚的關節系統為例,它很簡單,模組化,利用冗餘設計和協同運作的概念解決因為一個環節出錯所造成的系統停擺問題。即使有些關節停止運作,魟魚在水中的運動仍然不會停止。因此,本研究應向自然學習,以創造出一個適應性關節系統為目標,第一個原型為遮陽系統。 本研究學習魟魚等多關節水中生物,提出了一種適應性關節系統,以遮陽為原型。此系統的關節利用3D列印技術製造。透過選擇此系統的每一個部分,居民能夠擁有一套真正不只能夠適應外在環境同時能夠適應他們生活習慣的適應性遮陽系統。
Adaptive architecture is more and more popular in modern architecture, shades are frequently used for adjusting skylight and climate. Shades such as mechanical canopies are mostly mechanically constructed and controlled by centralized control systems to achieve automation in a smart building. Such system not only can't adapt to every angle of the sunshade during the day and the year, it is also vulnerable to mechanical problems. When a tiny bit of the system goes wrong, the shades simply halt. There are similar systems in the nature, with superior design -- such as joint system of Stingray's softbone -- it is simple, modular, redundant, work together and fail proof. Even if some of the joints malfunction, the whole process of fin waving is intact. In search for feasible solution for adaptive shading, we therefore focus on developing a multi-joint system by learning from the nature. This paper proposes a multi-joint system for adaptive shading, which is a biomimetic design inspired from Stingray. Joints of the system are produced by 3D printer. By choosing every single part of the system, residents will have a shading system, which really adapt to their life and the environment.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259510
Appears in Collections:Thesis