標題: BIM 指南之比較與BIM 執行計畫書 之初步探討
BIM Guide coparison and BIM execution plan research
作者: 孔承儒
Kung, Cheng-Ju
Huang, Shih-Chang
關鍵字: 建築資訊模型;BIM 專案執行計畫書;BIM 指南比較;Building Information Modeling;BIM Guide comparison;BIM project execution plan research;BIM
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 建築資訊建模(Building Information Modeling)是近十年來在全球AEC領域(Architecture, Engineering and Construction,簡稱AEC)的注目焦點,各國相關機構都希望在BIM 的相關標準、應用及作業流程上找出新的機會,以藉此改善在傳統AEC 產業上的各種相較於其他產業的落後現象。於是各種標準、規範、指南紛紛應運而生,但目前國內尚無針對台灣環境、國情所提出之標準規範,其中又有部分內容不是AEC 領域的從業人員所擅長的資訊應用概念及技術,讓許多想將BIM 引進組織、專案專案的單位不知該如何開始或因導入執行困難而中止。有鑑於此,本研究將收集國外目前執行BIM 程序較具代表性的國家(美國、新加坡、中國與台灣)所提出有關BIM 規範指南進行說明並比較其差異,以提供業界作為導入BIM 作業程序時可引用之參考。
上開始使用BIM 程序作為提升專案效益的方法,但卻幾乎沒有發現在所
有號稱以BIM 作為營建管理方式的執行單位提出完整BIM 專案執行計
畫書。若在BIM 專案專案上沒有可供所有參與者參考或規範的依據,恐
難以提升專案專案執行BIM 程序之效益。本研究以引用國外CIC BIM
Project Execution Plan Guide 為執行依據之國內公共工程做案例,來驗證國外的BIM 專案執行計畫指南內的內容是否適合台灣專案專案應用,也希望可以此實際專案執行計畫書的編寫方式提供國內未來參考。
Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been a worldwide focus of the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) field over the past ten years. Every country hopes to discover new opportunities related to the standards, applications, and operation procedures of BIM in order to improve the slow development situation of then traditional AEC industry when compared to other fields. Therefore, various standards, specifications, and instructions have been generated accordingly. Currently, no standard specifications are aimed at the environment and national conditions in Taiwan, which provides no clear way for people who want to introduce BIM into an organization or project and often leads such efforts to being possibly terminated due to the difficulty in execution. Therefore, this research collected BIM specifications proposed by representative countries (the U.S., Singapore, China and Taiwan) that have been executing BIM procedures and compared the differences among them in order to provide a reference for the industry with regard to implementing BIM operation procedures.
Furthermore, though many employers of civil engineering and private business have started to use BIM procedures as a way to improve project efficiency, very few complete BIM project execution proposals were found in the execution units that claimed to be using BIM as the construction management standard. Without a basis or reference for participants to follow in BIM projects, the benefit of executing the BIM procedure in projects is minimal. As a case study, this research took the foreign CIC BIM Project Execution Plan Guide as the execution basis for domestic civil engineering and examined the applicability of foreign BIM project execution plans to projects in Taiwan. We also hope that an actual project execution planning method can provide a reference for future domestic projects.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079970501