標題: 生存文本
Text Of Life
作者: 吳佩玲
Wu, Pei-Ling
Tseng, Chun-Tei
關鍵字: 地底;詩;山坡;原型;夢境;underground;poetry;ramp;prototype;dream
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 我想我一直在做的,不是建築本身。 就像寫詩。是啊,這個問題過了這麼久我現在才明白。所謂做建築的方法就跟寫詩一樣,而我一直一直回答不出寫詩的方法是什麼。因為寫詩從來不是為了寫詩。 因為寫詩從來不是為了寫詩。 因此做建築也不是為了做建築。
I think that what I have done so far is not simply making architecture. “Making architecture is just like writing poems.” I had never been able to answer how I write poetry until the answer comes to me after years. Since I’ve never written poems just in order to writing poems. Likewise, doing architecture is never for the sake of doing architecture.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159519