標題: 結構加速度資料集錄及分析系統之開發
Development of a Data Acquisition and Analysis System for Structural Acceleration Responses
作者: 周志豪
Chou, Chih-Hao
Huang, Chiung-Shiann
Su, Wei-Chih
關鍵字: 系統識別;有線網路;結構健康監測;system identification;wired network;structural health monitoring
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 結構受劇烈載重作用(如地震)可能會造成結構損傷。從量測之結構震動反應以檢測結構健康狀態於土木工程領域是一個相當重要之課題。 本研究將開發一結構加速度反應集錄及分析系統,可對結構受震後之健康狀態進行監測。系統介面是利用 Java 語言撰寫,能接收前端感應子之資料及做後續之結構物系統識別。為兼顧量測資料之完整性以及感應子之電力需求,資料傳輸方式是經由有線網路傳送,感應子之電力供應則經由乙太網供電。分析方式有傅立葉轉換、頻率響應函數,以及 ARX 模型之模態參數識別法可供使用。讓使用者能僅使用同一套軟體便完成資料集錄及系統識別之動作。最後並將整套系統攜至國家地震工程研究中心之振動台做試驗,用以驗證本系統之可行性。
Severe loading, such as a strong earthquake, may cause damage to structures. Assessing the health status of a structure from its vibration responses is an important issue in civil engineering. This research developed a structural vibration data acquisition and analysis system, which can monitor the health status of a structure under an earthquake. Its user interface is developed using Java programming language. Consider the integrity of transmitted data and the need of electric power for sensors, data are transmitted by a wired network, and power is supplied through a POE system. The data analyses are performed using FFT, frequency response function approach, and a modal identification approach based on ARX model. Users can only apply the proposed system to complete data collection and analyses. The feasibility of this system is verified through shaking table tests at NCREE.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251226