標題: 廢水回收再利用之效益評估-以食品業為例
The Cost Benefit Analysis of Wastewater Reclamation And Reuse – A Case Study of Food Industry
作者: 鄒坤璋
Chou, Kun-Chang
Chen, Chun-Sung
Hung, Shih-Lin
關鍵字: 水資源;回收再利用;廢水;water resources;recycling;wastewater
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 水資源是維繫所有生態體系運作的必要物質,無論是人類的聚落與文化發展,均與水有相當深厚的關係;就環境的永續存在發展而言,水資源的開發與分配的重要性更是亦然。水資源在食品產業中扮演著不可或缺的生產要素之一,一旦陷入缺水危機則會使整條生產線的運作停擺。如何在水資源不足的現況下,除了節約用水之外,廢水回收再利用已成為刻不容緩的議題! 本文將自台灣著名的食品大廠所提供之數據(如廢水的pH值,固體懸浮物和化學需氧量...等)。根據其公共設施、二級廢水處理廠及各產線所產生的廢水的數據,經由廢水回收處理系統所產生的再生利用率、投資成本與營運成本計算,藉以評估食品業廢水回收再利用的經濟效益評估。
Water is the necessary material to maintain ecosystem function in the global world. Everything has very deep relationship with water, especially for human beings, such as human settlements and cultural development. However, most developed countries begin to focus on the environment in terms of sustainable development. It goes without saying that water resources development and allocate more necessary to mention about its important source of all the industries , and it also effects entire production operation. Therefore, how to conserve water in water resources drought situation is a very important issue for all the of us. In this dissertation will apply the data from the famous food company in Taiwan----- Uni President Enterprises Corp. Hence, according to thses data (such as the ph value of wastewater, suspended solid and Chemical Oxygen Demand…etc.) Let’s assume this company applies wastewater be the sub-water. Based on the prior facility construction, wastewater treatment system and many production-lines in this company, the wastewater recycling sub-system is developed through the recycling rate, investment cost and operation cost. Try to prove the wastewater reclamation and reuse system whether or not it corresponds to reality.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070061206