標題: 道路環境中發光二極體路燈眩光之最佳化設計
Optimal Design of LED Street Lighting with Road Conditions
作者: 朱峻汶
Chu, Chun-Wen
Lin, Bor-Shyh
關鍵字: 發光二極體;道路照明;光品質;不舒適眩光;light emitting diode;road lighting;lighting quality;discomfort glare
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 國際照明委員會規範內發光二極體室外道路眩光量測方法,必須要考量路面量測標準,其量測方法往往過於複雜繁瑣且設備昂貴,且雖然市面上已有模擬軟體可以模擬道路環境來了解眩光是否超出標準,但是又得面臨模擬軟體使用上的難度,使得路燈施工單位無法有效利用工具來知道該負責的路段,需要套用適合的發光二極體路燈燈具。藉著蒐集與眩光量測的標準方法以及瞭解其與道路條件的相關性。使用實驗設計法搭配模擬軟體釐清影響各種原因的重要性,在搭配複迴歸方程式建立數學方程式。我們透過模擬的方式,已驗證可以有效的推算最低門檻增量值。首先,需要知道該道路的路寬、桿高、桿距、透過簡單的量測工具即可知道路寬、桿高、桿距、套入方程式中即可知道所選用的路燈,其光通量搭配實際道路現況是否會有超過15%的最低門檻中增量值。從道路路燈人因實驗來看,在相同的配光型式下,一般型式的發光二極體路燈與集成封裝型式發光二極體路燈,對於用路人來說,在駕駛與走路的型態下,燈具型式的不同對眩光的影響並不顯著。本次實驗路段以單側排列道路進行實驗,後續可以加入不同的燈具排列以及道路條件,增加瞭解不同發光二極體路燈型式對用路人的影響。
Recently, light emitting diodes technology has been developed widely, and applied in the applications of road lighting. Several researches indicated the LED lighting may cause discomfort glare. Therefore, how to effectively and simply evaluate the road lighting quality is important. However, the commonly used method for estimating road lighting glare requires several professionally measuring knowledge, such as luminance distributions, average luminance of the source area, road-surface reflectance, the illuminance on the eye, etc. and more expensive cost. It is inconvenient for the general light designer. In order to improve the above issues, a novel method was proposed to evaluate LED road lighting quality more simply in this study. Moreover, this factor, which may be significantly related to the road lighting quality, was also investigated. Finally, the proposed method was validated and the feeling of the participant for discomfort glare under different conditions was also investigated via questionnaire simultaneously. The experimental results show that the proposed method can exactly provide a simpler way on estimating the road lighting quality.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070258316
Appears in Collections:Thesis