Title: 高效率低眩光LED燈具之開發
The Development of High efficiency and Low UGR LED luminaire
Authors: 許昱凱
Hsu, Yu-Kai
Pan, Jui-Wen
Keywords: 發光二極體;照明;眩光;照度均勻;疊影;LED;Lighting;Glare;Illumination uniformity;Multi-shadow
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 我們提出一個具有高效率的直下式LED抗眩燈具的設計並且製作出成品驗證,這個抗眩燈具的設計主要用來降低LED所造成的強烈眩光及疊影的效應並且它有著高照度均勻,還有高光效率和能源效率。在模擬驗證過程,與傳統相比照度均勻度從64.9%提升到80.0%,UGR控制在18.8,並擁有79.5%的高光學效率;在實際成品量測下,照度均勻度可達77.0%,UGR控制在19.0,光學效率在76.0%,且擁有81.4(lm/w)的高能源效率。
An anti-glare luminaire design is proposed that will reduce the effect of glare and the multi-shadow effect while preserving high optical efficiency, high illumination uniformity and low unified glare rating (UGR). Comparison to the traditional direct light emitting diode (LED) luminaire in optical simulations showed an enhancement of the illumination uniformity from 64.9% to 80.0%. The optical efficiency was 79.5%, and the UGR value was controlled under 18.8. Based on the simulation design, the finished product would have an illumination uniformity of 77.0%, optical efficiency of 76.0%, UGR value of 19.0, and efficacy of 81.4 lm/w. Through this design, the lighting performance was greatly enhanced.
Appears in Collections:Thesis