標題: 雙重配銷通路下最適通路訂價、產品品質與廣告行銷策略之研究
Appropriate Pricing, Product Quality, and Advertising Strategies in Dual Distribution Channels
作者: 陳盈安
Chen, Ying-An
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: 賽局理論;配銷通路;產品開發;品質機能展開;廣告行銷;Game Theory;Distribution Channel;Product Development;Quality Function Development;Advertising
公開日期: 2016
摘要:   供應鏈系統中,雙重配銷通路之競爭行為議題常為諸多學者所探討,另隨著電子化配銷通路加入傳統實體市場之競爭環境,使得競爭日益激烈,因此系統中各成員應如何擬定其最適策略將顯得格外重要。   本人前著(Chen, 2007)曾探討該環境下,製造商提供產品模組化設計與退貨機制時,透過賽局模型擬定製造商與零售商之最適策略。然而若僅考量模組化設計而未進行行銷宣傳,顧客將難以在產品上市前得知產品特性後產生動機搶先購買,延遲口碑行銷發生之時間,且另存在產品功能於銷售期間被競爭者所模仿之風險,最終將導致無法快速提高市場需求與搶攻市占率,故本研究進而考量廣告行銷機制之影響。在產品設計方面,本研究將前著所使用之產品品質提昇方式進行擴展,並在售價方面另針對單一售價由製造商或零售商決定之情境進行分析與比較。   綜合上述,本研究基於前著之模型進行改良與延伸以趨近實務,從中探究製造商與零售商於混合電子化與實體配銷通路下,針對製造商提昇產品開發水準與零售商提供廣告行銷機制時,透過賽局理論分析、比較與擬定雙方之最適策略,期能作為產界擬定策略之參考依據。
  The competition in dual distribution channels is always discussed in supply chain systems. In addition, the competition becomes keener because of e-tail distribution channels. Therefore, how the supply chain members make their appropriate strategies becomes more important.   I have studied manufacturer's and retailer's competitive behavior when manufacturer provide modularization and return policy in dual distribution channels (Chen, 2007). However, customers would not know the product functions before time to market without advertising strategy. It would delay the effect of word-of-mouth marketing, enhance the risk of imitation, and reduce the demand by competitors.   On the other hand, we relax the meaning of product quality enhancement and use one price policy which has not been discussed in previous study. Finally, we compare the different models numerically, conduct parametric analysis, and reveal some managerial insights
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253419