標題: 技職教育體系比較分析-以臺灣、德國為例
A Comparative Analysis of Technical and Vocational Education in Taiwan and Germany
作者: 陳怡文
Chen, Yi-Wen
關鍵字: 技職教育;雙軌制;technical and vocational education;Dual System
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 臺灣技術與職業教育與社會經濟發展關係非常密切,隨著經濟的發展以及近年來全球產業的變遷,技職教育因具有就業優勢的加持,使得技職人才的培育扮演著重要的角色。然而近年來隨著出生率下降,學生數量也逐漸減少,再加上國內高等教育鬆綁,臺灣高等教育含技職教育數量擴大,使得技職特色逐漸流失,逐漸淪為學生的次等選擇,整體社會對技職教育產生學用落差、定位不明之批評,使得技職教育面臨空前的考驗。 反觀德國是技職教育相當發達的國家,其學用相互結合的技職教育,成功享譽全球並為各國所效仿,有鑑於此,本研究採取次級資料分析法及比較分析法,探討德國雙軌技職教育體制,分析德國係如何成功地將學校教育與職業訓練做結合,並歸納重要因素,作為我國技職教育轉型之參考。 根據本研究針對臺灣及德國職業教育體系之分析,首先發現德國對於職業教育發展之重視與支持,反觀臺灣卻是技職教育為次等教育,社會價值觀差異甚大。再就法規面、課程面,以及利害關係人企業面、學校面、學生面、師資面進行比較與分析,歸納出德國與臺灣之異同,即使兩國文化背景不盡相同,但參考其技職教育的成功經驗相互參照,協助我國技職教育整體的改革與提升確有其必要性。
In Taiwan, the economic development has been tightly interwoven with the technological and vocational education. In recent years, with the development of economic and the change of the global industry, cultivating professional talents in various disciplines has been an important issue. However, Taiwan is currently facing a phenomenon of declining birth rates and an expanding number of higher education institutions. Vocational education is facing the challenge of losing its features. In contrast, Germany is well-known for its successful dual vocational training system, which successfully integrates both school education and vocational training, is followed by many countries. This research adopts the methods of secondary data analysis and comparative analysis approach to find out how to collaborate with academic institutions and jobs. The purpose of this research is to analysis the success of the dual system and conclude main factors that can be provided as suggestions for the transformation of vocational education in Taiwan. According to the analysis of vocational education system between Taiwan and Germany, there is an obvious different social value between these two countries, the vocational education is highly supported in Germany but it’s the second choice in Taiwan. The research also compared in terms of policies, courses, enterprises, schools, students and teachers to compare the differences. It is necessary to take reference from German experience for Taiwan's development of vocational education.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253514