Title: 建築資訊模型於校園資產管理之應用
Application of BIM in Campus Facility Management
Authors: 陳斌豪
Bin-Hao Chen
Keywords: 建築資訊模型;Revit API;設備管理;BIM;Revit API;Facility Management
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 由於科技與工程技術的進步,建物結構與高度愈趨複雜、資訊量也隨之大幅增加,而在建築資訊模型導入後透過參數化模型有效整合圖面資訊與同步連動,使建物生命週期各領域團隊都能藉此有效的溝通。而台灣也於近期將BIM技術納入公共工程合約中,並運用至建築物規劃、設計、施工時期,以提高建築物的品質。但卻輕忽了營運管理、維護時期的重要性,故本研究將針對建築物之營運階段並著眼於公有國小資產管理並將案例與教學設備實作於Revit,且以C#程式語言撰寫Revit API之應用程式,於Revit讀取與寫入參數後並用以設備新增、維修、報廢與視角引導等功能,使資產管理能夠更簡易且快速的獲取相關資訊外,亦透過應用程式將案例資產之生命週期完整掌握,讓設備管理者藉由此設備管理程式與視覺化之功能整合資訊提升效率,進而達到永續經營之目的。
Due to the accelerating Improvement of engineering technology and complication of building structures and altitudes, a substantial amount of information will be required. The construction life cycle in many aspects can be well into active and communicated by utilizing the Building Information Modeling, which involved with Parameterized query and synchronized linkage. BIM technology this introduced to the public Construction contract in Taiwan recently, which intended in improving the structure quality during the building planning, designing and constructing phrases. The importance of operational management and maintenance is therefore neglected as result.Thus, this study will be focused on the facility management by implementing Revit API (C# will be applied) as the main tool to track and manage the public assets of selected elementary School. Each aspects such as acquisitions, additions, maintenance, depreciation, write-offs specialization of the public assets and equipment can be managed in the faster and easier manner when they are loaded and parameterized in Revit. It will create a simple way to obtain the required information in order to fully understand and grasp the life cycle of each public asset. The main aim of this study is to increase the management efficiency that will eventually benefit the users with a sustainable development and integration in management level.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070151207
Appears in Collections:Thesis