標題: 主觀幸福感對心理自費醫療服務付費意願影響 之探討—以 EMBA 學生為例
Influences of Willingness to Pay for Psychotherapy on Subjective Well-being – A Case Study of EMBA Students
作者: 劉大成
Liu, Da-Chen
Jen, William
關鍵字: 主觀幸福感;自費醫療;付費意願;願付金額;中高階經理人;Subjective well-being;psychotherapy;willingness to pay;middle and top managers
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究旨在探討主觀幸福感對於心理自費醫療服務付費意願與願付金額之影響。研究主要目的有三:1.瞭解EMBA中高階經理人主觀幸福感之現況;2.探討EMBA中高階經理人主觀幸福感與心理自費醫療服務付費意願、願付金額之間的關係;3.探討EMBA中高階經理人人口統計變項與心理自費醫療服務付費意願、願付金額之間的關係。 本研究係以交通大學與政治大學EMBA學生共67名為樣本,主觀幸福感方面以「WHO-5 心理健康指數量表」作為量測工具,自費醫療服務付費意願與願付金額方面則以「自費諮商」、「自費醫材」、「自費藥品」三者進行調查,問卷獲得之數據資料量化後透過信度分析、效度分析、敘述統計、相關係數進行統計分析。 研究主要發現包括:1.EMBA中高階經理人有高達三成比例主觀幸福感不佳,顯示現階段心理健康風險偏高;2.主觀幸福感與「自費諮商」、「自費醫材」、「自費藥品」之付費意願均呈現中度正相關;3.「年齡」、「性別」在「自費諮商」、「自費醫材」、「自費藥品」之付費意願,以及「自費諮商」、「自費藥品」之願付金額為低度正相關;4. 「自費醫療服務的付費意願與願付金額構面」6道題目的測量結果,其分量表的α值為0.896,顯示具有高可信度。「心理健康構面」採用WHO-5量表,分量表的α值為0.910,顯示具有高度一致性。最後再針對研究結果,提出結論與建議,以作為未來心理健康照護相關研究作為參考。
The research was to study how subjective well-being Influence willingness to pay for psychotherapy does. The purpose of this study was to investigate 1) Subjective well-being of EMBA middle and top managers; 2) Influences of willingness to pay for psychotherapy on subjective well-being; 3) Influences of willingness to pay for psychotherapy on demographic variable of EMBA middle and top managers. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed through reliability analysis, validity analysis, descriptive statistics, and correlation coefficient, with a sample of EMBA students. Out of a total of 78 questionnaires sent out 67 responses were received. The results of the study were that 1) 31.34% of EMBA middle and top managers are lower levels of subjective well-being; 2) It was discovered that the pay intention of self-pay treatments of counseling, medicine and medical material are moderately correlated with subjective well-being; 3) The pay intention of self-pay treatments of counseling, medicine and medical material are lower correlated with age and gender; 4) The scale of “WHO-5” and “willingness to pay for psychotherapy” are highly stable and reliable (Cronbach α = .896 and .910).
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363035