標題: 網路影音使用者之一般網路廣告態度與付費意願之關聯性分析
Web Video Users’ Attitude toward Web Advertising in General and Willingness to Pay
作者: 沈庭禎
Shen, Ting-Chen
Ding, Cherng
關鍵字: 廣告規避;廣告態度;涉入;產品類型;付費意願;網路影音;advertising avoidance;attitude toward advertising;involvement;product type;willingness to pay;web video
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 2013年5月9日,YouTube宣布推出付費訂閱頻道,消費者訂閱後可透過電腦、手機、平板電腦或電視觀看,讓影音內容製作者為自己的創作取得報酬;此舉著實為線上影音服務市場帶來震撼。2005年Web 2.0概念興起,加上數位科技發達、終端產品個人化,迫使線上內容服務商發展出新的經營模式:以免費內容吸引人潮創造網站流量、以高流量吸引廣告主預算、至終以各式線上網站廣告賺進收入。俯拾即是、無遠弗屆的網際網路資源,在全球網路使用者的心中早已根深蒂固定型為「應該要免費」,然而,瀏覽網頁的同時亦需接收越來越多、越來越雜亂的廣告訊息,也同時使網路使用者對於網路廣告的反感升溫。 本研究以廣告規避模型來探討網路使用者為了規避廣告而願意付費觀看影音的程度,研究結果發現,廣告態度負向影響廣告規避程度,而廣告規避程度則正向影響付費觀看影音的意願,意即,大部份的網路使用者厭惡廣告,且可能願意透過付費機制排除廣告打擾。另外,消費者的產品涉入程度與影片本身類型的不同,亦可能影響其最終的付費意願。 最後,建議影音網站經營者在提供影音服務時建立「付費」與「看廣告」雙軌制,給予不同態度與屬性之消費者選擇機會;另外,進行「虛實整合」,提供免費影音同時銷售周邊商品,如運動用品、衣飾、公仔、3C商品、限量配備汽車…等,在廣告收入之外找尋更為消費者所接受之經營模式。影音內容網站固以爭取營收浥注為前提,始能豐富高品質的影音內容,此外尚需廣大忠誠的網路使用者到訪,兩者自得相輔相成,網站亦得永續經營。
While YouTube announced the release of charging channels on May 9th, 2013, which allow web users to watch online or downloaded videos through PCs, cell phones, tablets, or TVs, the Digital Content industry was totally shocked. Since 2005, the arising of Web 2.0 along with developing of digital technology and personalization of consumer electronics have forced web content providers to create a new business model. They provided free content to attract visitors and increase page view, then strived for advertisers’ budget, and finally made profits in this way. The more free content there is, the more exposure to ads users are. Nevertheless, the excess and clutter of web advertisements has worsened the attitude toward ads of web users. In this research, web users’ willingness to pay for web videos is discussed basing on the advertising avoidance model. The main purpose is to explore how ad avoidance affects willingness to pay, adding involvement and video type as moderating variables. The results indicate that (1) attitude toward web advertising in general has significant negative effect on advertising avoidance; (2) advertising avoidance has positive effect on willingness to pay for web videos; (3) product involvement and product type significantly affect willingness to pay as well. According to the findings, suggestion for web content providers is to establish a dual-selection system - watching an ad for free content or just paying for that - for different users to choose. In addition, to adopt the strategy of clicks and bricks - selling related accessories of a video online - would be a choice to increase no matter page view or revenue.