標題: 無線廣告呈現方式與無線網站型態對廣告效果之影響
A Study of the Effects of Presentation Mode and Web Site Type on the Perception of Advertisement on the Wireless Internet
作者: 陳建文
Chien-wen Chen
Pei-luen Rau
關鍵字: 呈現方式;網站型態;廣告效果;無線廣告;無線網際網路;手持裝置;行動;presentation mode;web site type;advertising effectiveness;wireless advertisement;wireless internet;handheld device;mobile
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究目的在於探討以手持裝置瀏覽時,廣告呈現方式與無線網站型態的不同對廣告效果之影響。研究者檢閱過去相關文獻,依據媒體元素多寡將廣告呈現方式劃分為靜態、動態(包含聲音)以及動畫(包含聲音與動畫效果)等三種;網站型態則劃分為娛樂導向、位置導向二種。廣告效果則包括廣告點選次數、廣告記憶效果、廣告態度、品牌態度、購買與採用意願等。本研究採實驗室實驗法,以3×2因子實驗設計將招募的交通大學學生隨機分配至六組中,實驗過程中參與者有10分鐘登入練習網站,接著進行六項出現實驗廣告的瀏覽任務,隨後填答實驗問卷。 研究結果發現,在無線廣告的環境中,仍然產生「橫幅隱身」(Banner blindness)的現象,參與者對於廣告視而不見,同時各種廣告點選次數也非常低。當無線廣告以動態或動畫的方式呈現時,參與者的廣告記憶效果會優於靜態組參與者,但動態組與動畫組間無顯著差異。此結果顯示聽覺刺激有助於提昇廣告記憶,但過多的視覺刺激則無法產生較佳的廣告記憶效果。且經過提示的廣告確認效果優於廣告回憶效果。而廣告呈現方式的不同對廣告點選次數、廣告態度、品牌態度、購買與採用意願等皆沒有顯著影響。此外,由於位置導向網站內容屬性關係,在階層設計與資訊提供均較為簡潔、瀏覽任務較單純任務,參與者不易將廣告視為干擾,因此位置導向網站參與者有較佳的廣告態度。而娛樂導向網站參與者相對較少點選廣告閱讀,此導致完整的廣告訊息較為缺乏,因此在購買與採用意願方面的表現較差。 當參與者網站涉入度低時或是在對無線廣告的媒體廣告態度差時,以動態或動畫方式呈現的廣告,均可以造成較佳的廣告記憶效果。本研究結果指出如欲提高此類消費者對廣告的記憶效果,可從增加廣告聲音方面著手,消費者即使可以跳過視覺上的廣告不看,但要忽略聽覺刺激卻是較不易做到的。而無論在網站涉入度低時或是在對無線廣告的媒體廣告態度差時,網站型態的不同對廣告記憶效果都不會造成顯著影響。本研究建議廣告相關從業人員在未來多媒體簡訊(MMS)成為無線廣告主流平台時,無線廣告的設計必須將行動裝置使用者的感官負荷、個人化、任務類型等納入考量,並且配合跨平台的輸出入機制、行動定位服務等,創造讓廣告主與消費者雙贏的無線廣告環境。
The convergence of wireless network and handheld devices provides new opportunities for advertisers to reach potential customers. At the present day, there is much more than 95% handheld devices have the ability of browsing internet. Since the wireless internet service - NTT DoCoMo i-mode - in Japan attract attention from all around the world, as they declared – it has redefined the meaning of mobile communications. More and more people need to get online to access information from their handheld devices. Hence many advertisers aiming this new advertising platform, and thinking about the way wireless ads work. As a result of the wireless internet environment was not mature enough, related academic researches were just begin. The objective of this study was to explore how to present the new wireless ads, and how the orientations of the web content influence ads effectiveness. Past researches have documented the effectiveness of internet ads. Most demonstrated that the more rich media the ads were present the greater effectiveness the ads will get. Internet ads usually use multimedia which likes sounds, graphics, pictures, animations, or combined all above to attract attention of consumers. Some researches showed that the advertisement of text along with graphic and sounds may result better ad effectiveness than merely text along. But there are inconsistent conclusions with animation effects. Some researchers think animation will deteriorate information seeking performance; the others said that animation will improve reaction time, enhance ad recall rate, and increase click through rate. On the other side, some researches also point out that combing some kinds of media will get better ad or learning effect. But some said if we centralize too much multimedia information on single sensory organ, the viewer may feel cognitive load. We also introduce the involvement of web and the attitude toward advertising in a media vehicle. Past researches have discussed different orientations of magazines will induce different involvement. They mentioned that the readers of entertainment-oriented magazine have higher involvement, and then they may pay less attention to peripheral ads. Our research further focus on low involvement with webs, in this kind of context, we wonder what orientations of webs may get better ads effectiveness. As Ha (1996) said, attitude toward advertising in a media vehicle means the evaluation of advertisements in the context of a media vehicle; we also wonder how to proceed the wireless advertising activity, which put more emphasis on personal privacy environment. We invited 72 students from NCTU to participate the experiment. Participators used mobile handheld device to performed six browsing tasks, in which individual contained six experimental ads. We defined two independent variables including presentation style (static, dynamic and animation) and web site type (entertainment-oriented and location-oriented), and the dependent variables were click frequency, memory for ads, attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, and purchase / adopt intention. In addition, we measured the involvement of webs and the attitude toward advertising in media vehicle, and divided participators into low / high groups according to the mean score. The main results of the experiment indicated the followings: □ Users ignored ads even when they were presented as any kinds of presentation style and web site type, “Banner blindness” still appeared, and the click frequency was very low just the same with the internet. □ When users were presented as dynamic and animated ads showed better performance of memory for ads. It indicates that auditory input can increases the memory for ads, but it seems unhelpful with too much visual input. □ When users in the context of low web involvement and bad attitude toward wireless ads, it seems to present ads in dynamic or animated way to attract their attention to increase memory for ads. And different web site type has no significant difference with the memory for ads. □ Location-oriented web seems to have better attitude toward ads and purchase / adopt intention than entertainment-oriented web. This is different from past research results. Though the content of webs may change everyday, and the way to present information on the web may not like the way internet goes. The web interface what we design may still one of the wireless webs in the future. Our results suggest that the designers and the advertisers should pay more attention on auditory component in future wireless advertising environment, especially who wants to attract those who are not involve in the webs or have bad attitude toward the wireless ads. We also suggest that future wireless webs may use the ability of LBS to provide simpler and practical information to get better advertising effectiveness.