標題: 網路廣告態度與不同媒體廣告態度之比較-以國內大學生為例
A Comparative Study of Consumer Attitude Toward Internet Advertising From Other Types of Media Advertising-With Taiwan’s College Students As An Example
作者: 蔡佩君
Pen-Chun Tsai
關鍵字: 網路廣告;廣告態度;廣告效果;Internet Advertising;Advertising attitude;advertising effectiveness
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著科技發展迅速,國內網際網路的應用也變得相當普及。由於過內上網人口逐年攀升,許多企業已經利用網路作為行銷的媒介,使得「網路廣告」成為行銷的新利器。根據研究消費者的廣告態度會直接影響廣告效果,因此本研究進一步瞭解消費者對網路廣告的整體態度為何?並探討主要影響網路廣告態度的因素?企圖找出消費者網路廣告態度的不同群體。 希望本研究的結果可以幫助企業了解在變化快速的網路環境中,消費者是如何看待網路廣告,進而有助於業者進行網路廣告規劃之參考,達到廣告的目的。本研究主要對象為國內之大學生,調查大學生目前對於網路廣告的態度,並比較大學生對於網路廣告與其他媒體廣告的態度,本研究之結果有以下發現: 1、國內大學生的整體廣告態度為負面 2、影響大學生對網路廣告態度之主要因素為「效用與可靠」以及「惱人感」 3、對網路廣告之整體態度可分為: 「雖惱人,但尚可接受網路廣告群」-廣告態度為負面,效用與可靠性居中,惱人感較低。與其他媒體比較方面認為網路廣告比廣播更能提供資訊,比電視娛樂效果差但比廣播好。惱人程度皆比其他媒體廣告多,但可信度不錯。 「討厭網路廣告群」-廣告態度最負面,效用與可靠感最低,惱人感最高。惱人的程度上比其他媒體多。在歡樂性比電視和雜誌廣告低。提供資訊和可信度上,網路廣告也較其他媒體差。 「網路廣告有效用群」-效用與可靠性分數最高,惱人感居中。認同網路廣告提供資訊的功能。娛樂性比報紙和廣播佳。惱人程度及可信度上,還是比其他媒體差。
As technology is developing rapidly ,the usage of internet also become more and more popular.Because the internet’s user have been rising year by year ,many enterprises have used internet as a marketing media,and make 「internet advertising」become a good tool of marketing. According to former studies,the general advertising attitudes can influence directly on advertising effectiveness .Therefore,this study hopes to understand how the consumer’s general attitude toward internet advertising ? What are the main factors to influence internet advertising ? And finding out different group between consumer’s attitude toward internet advertising. We hope this study can help enterprises understand how regard internet advertising is,and can provide them a reference for planning internet advertising in order to attain advertising’s purpose.This study's data are Taiwan’s college students; survey students’s general attitude toward internet advertising and compare the attitude from other”types”of media advertising.This study draw the conclusion as follow : 1. College student’s general advertising attitudes are found to be negative. 2. Both「useful and reliable」 and「irritating」are the main factors to influence student’s attitude toward internet advertising. 3. There are three groups between student’s attitude toward internet advertising: group1「feel irritating,but accept internet advertising」 group2「hate internet advertising」 group3「regard internet advertising usefulness」


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