Title: 廣告代言人對推薦品牌廣告效果影響之研究
A Study for Advertising Spokesperson Effects For Endorsed Brand
Authors: 陳敏郎
Min-Lang Chen
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
Keywords: 廣告代言人;廣告效果;推薦品牌;代言人;Advertising Spokesperson;Advertising Effects;Endorsed Brand;endorser
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 廣告是行銷溝通中常使用的重要工具;而推薦式廣告是種常見的廣告型態,其中廣告代言人是否運用得當,居其成敗關鍵地位。本研究透過對廣告代言人數量及負面訊息等因素之操弄,以了解其對廣告效果之影響,並作為實務界制定廣告政策之參考。
本研究採實驗法進行實證,以運動鞋為實驗產品,操縱的實驗變數為廣告代言人數量及負面訊息,共設計六個實驗組,對大學生進行廣告記憶、廣告態度、產品態度、推薦人態度及購買意願等之問卷調查,共收集275份有效問卷,主要的資料方法為因素分析、變異數分析( ANOVA )及t檢定。
Advertisings are often used and important tool in marketing communication. Endorsers are used extensively in advertising. This study aimed to examine the communication effects through the number of endorsers and the negative celebrity information in color file ads. The outcome can be a reference for companies making a advertising policy.
Using undergraduates as respondents, a 3 ×2 experimental design was conducted under conditions which varied the number of endorsers ( 1 vs. 2 vs. 4 ) and the negative celebrity information ( Yes vs. No ).We made proper questionnaire to investigate the students in the National Chiao Tung University and National Taiwan University, and collected 275 valid samples. The data were analyzed mainly by analysis of variance ( ANOVA ), t test, and factor analysis.
The major conclusions are:
1.The negative celebrity information significantly influences the endorser attitude. And the endorser attitude of the non negative celebrity information experimental design is significantly higher than that of the negative celebrity information.
2.The number of endorsers significantly influences the advertising effects. The recall toward the advertisement of the two endorsers experimental design is significantly higher than that of the one and four, and the others ( attitude toward the advertisement、product attitude、endorser attitude、purchase intention ) of the one endorser experimental design is significantly higher than that of the two and four.
3.When the advertising has a single endorser, the negative celebrity information significantly influences the advertising effects. When the advertising has a single endorser, the advertising effects of the non negative celebrity information experimental design is significantly higher than that of the negative celebrity information.
Appears in Collections:Thesis