標題: 廣告代言人與負面訊息對廣告效果的影響-台灣與日本跨文化的比較
The Impacts of the Number of Spokesperson and Negative Information on the Effectiveness of Advertising : A Cross-Culture Comparison between Taiwan and Japan
作者: 沈秀亘
Hsiu-Hsuan Shen
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 廣告效果;廣告代言人;負面訊息;跨文化;台灣與日本;推薦式廣告;Spokesperson;Nagative Information;Effectiveness of Advertising;Cross-Culture Comparison;Advertisement;Taiwan and Japan;Advertisement with endosers;The number of Spokesperson
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 推薦式廣告是全球最常見的一種廣告型態。廣告代言人的運用是否得當,係影響整體行銷策略之成敗關鍵。本研究在透過廣告代言人數量、負面訊息與國籍等因素之操弄,探討其對台灣與日本的廣告效果之影響程度與方向是否存在跨文化差異。研究結果在供學界擴展新廣告理論之依據,同時也提供實務界擬定全球廣告策略時之參考。 本實驗為一3x2x2之實驗設計,以運動鞋為實驗產品,操縱的實驗變數為廣告代言人數量、負面訊息與國籍,以半導體相關產業之台灣與日本籍工程師為研究對象,對其進行廣告記憶、廣告態度、產品態度、推薦人態度與購買意願之問卷調查。本研究共收集359份有效問券,主要的資料分析方法為因素分析、變異數分析(ANOVA)及t檢定。 研究結果發現除了單一代言人對台灣與日本兩國消費者均有顯著較高之廣告效果外,下述研究結果均顯示台灣與日本兩國間存在著跨文化的差異: 1.廣告代言人之負面訊息對日本消費者而言,會顯著降低對該廣告之代言人態度,而對台灣消費者而言,則無影響。 2.不同代言人數在負面訊息風險的效果上,對台灣消費者而言,代言人數的增加可以稀釋代言人負面訊息的風險,對日本而言則正好相反。
Employing endorsers in advertisements is one of the most frequently used methods in global advertising. The spokesperson in an advertisement plays a key factor in influencing the overall promotion performance. How does negative information about the spokespersons decrease the advertising effects? This experiment study examines number of spokesperson, negative information and nationality to assess their impact on the effectiveness of an advertisement. The effectiveness of advertising is measured with recall -rate-toward-the-advertisement, attitude-toward-the-advertisement, attitude-toward-the-product, attitude-toward-the-spokesperson and purchase intentions. A 3x2x2 factorial design was used. There are 359 usable responses from employees in semiconductor-related industries (contain 181 of Japanese and 178 of Taiwanese). The results indicate that single spokesperson has significant positive influence on advertisement effectiveness both in Taiwan and in Japan. However, the following two results derived from this experiment indicate that cross-cultural differences do exist between Taiwan and Japan. - Spokesperson’s negative information has significant negative impacts on the attitude-toward-the-spokesperson in Japan but has no influence in Taiwan. - Multiple spokespersons in ads decrease significantly the the influence of negative information than single spokesperson does in Taiwan. On the contrary, single spokesperson works better in risk control against influence of negative information than multiple spokespersons in Japan.