Title: 廣告訴求、代言人類型對推廣核能發電之溝通效果
The Communication Effect for Popularizing Nuclear Power Generation by Advertising Appeal and Spokesperson's Type
Authors: 吳建宗
Chien-Tsung Wu
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
Keywords: 廣告訴求;代言人;核能發電;溝通效果;Advertising Appeal;Spokesperson;Nuclear Power Generation;Communication Effect
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract:  本研究旨在探討廣告訊息中,不同的訴求與代言人組合對閱聽人廣告效果的影響差異程度為何。本研究以推廣核能發電廣告為例,藉由不同的訊息內容設計,衡量廣告效果的五個因變數:「廣告回憶率」、「廣告態度」、「產品態度」、「產品接受度」及「對代言人態度」。
本研究採用3(情感訴求)×4(代言人)的二因子實驗設計,受試樣本為新竹縣市八所大學暨獨立學院,共收集367份有效問卷。主要的資料統計方法為因素分析、變異數分析( ANOVA )及t檢定。經統計分析方法,獲得下列結果:
 This study aimed to examine the communication effect through advertising appeal and spokesperson's type in color file ads. The experimental product is "nuclear power generation".
The main objective of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of the five factors-"recall of advertising " , "attitude toward advertising" , " attitude toward product" , " acceptability toward product" and " attitude toward spokespersons "-under different type of advertising appeals (emotional /fear/ rational) and different type of spokespersons (celebrity / expert / CEO / typical consumer) of the copy.
This study uses 3 × 4 factorial experimental design. Questionnaire surveys the students in eight universities or colleges located in Hsin-Chu , and 367 valid samples were collected. The data was analyzed mainly by factor analysis, analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) and t test.
The results are as follows:
1、 There is no significant difference during the effect of "attitude toward advertising" , " acceptability toward product" , "involvement of advertising topic" and "attitude toward nuclear power generation " under different mixes of advertising(appeals v.s spokespersons).
2、 There is significant difference at the effect of recall-of-advertising under different type of advertising appeals of the copy . The effectiveness of fear-appeal is better than the other appeals(emotional / rational).
3、 There is significant difference at the effect of product-attitude under different type of advertising appeals and different mixes of advertising(appeals v.s spokespersons). The interaction effect between type-of- advertising-appeals and type-of-spokespersons toward product-attitude is also guite different. The effect of product-attitude is the best when advertising appeals are rational. CEO matches rational advertising appeals can product the best advertising effectiveness.
4、 There is significant difference at the effect of attitude-toward- spokespersons under different type of spokespersons and different mixes of advertising(appeals v.s spokespersons). The effect of attitude-toward-spokespersons is the best when type of spokespersons is celebrity or expert. Expert matches rational advertising appeals can product the best advertising effectiveness,but CEO matches fear advertising appeals can product the worst advertising effectiveness.
5、 On variable of demographics:
a、The gender affects product-attitude and attitude-toward-nuclear- power-generation, and male have best product-attitude than female.
b、The age affects attitude-toward-spokespersons ,and elder have best attitude-toward-spokespersons than junior.
c、The level of education affects recall-of-advertising ,and higher level of education have best recall-of-advertising than lower. The level of education affects involvement-of-advertising-topic ,and the student of junior college have best involvement-of-advertising- topic than other level of education.
d、The type of college affects involvement-of-advertising-topic.
e、The amount of petty cash affects attitude-toward-nuclear-power generation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis