標題: 人格特質、情緒調節、生活壓力與青少年自傷行為之關聯
The Relationship among Personality, Emotion Regulation and Life Stress on Adolescent Self-Harm
作者: 黃郁娟
Huang, Yu-Chuan
Liu, Yih-Lan
關鍵字: 自我傷害;素質-壓力模式;神經質人格;生活壓力;負向認知情緒調節策略;self-harm;diathesis-stress model;neuroticism;life stress;negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究旨在了解一般在學中的高中職青少年其自我傷害行為的現況,並且探討神經質人格、負向認知情緒調節、生活壓力與自我傷害行為之關聯。本研究認為認知情緒調節中介了神經質人格與青少年自我傷害行為頻率間的關係,並且生活壓力調節了神經質人格與認知情緒調節間的關係,也調節了神經質人格與自我傷害頻率間的關係。 本研究使用便利取樣的方式,進行匿名且自陳式的問卷調查,研究對象為1724位一般在學高中職學生,有自我傷害行為者共有514位。研究工具使用自我傷害量表、人格量表、生活壓力量表以及認知情緒調節量表。本研究以描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元邏輯迴歸分析、多元迴歸分析等方法分析資料,所得的研究結果陳述如下:1.高中職青少年自我傷害行為的盛行率為29.8%;女生自我傷害行為的盛行率高於男生,但在頻率程度上沒有差異,並且女生與男生使用的自我傷害方式有差異;高職自我傷害行為盛行率高於高中,但在頻率程度沒有差異;年級與區域在自我傷害行為的盛行率與頻率程度上皆沒有差異。2.神經質人格及生活壓力皆與自我傷害行為頻率呈現正相關;神經質人格與負向認知情緒調節策略皆呈現正相關;在有自我傷害行為組與一次以上自我傷害行為組中,自我責備及災難化皆與自我傷害行為頻率呈現正相關。3.「素質-壓力模式」能解釋自我傷害行為的頻率程度,無法解釋自我傷害行為是否發生。4.負向認知情緒調節策略在神經質人格與自我傷害行為頻率程度的中介效果不成立。5.在調節中介模式中,有自我傷害行為組與一次以上自我傷害行為組中,在不同壓力的情況下,責備他人策略顯著地中介神經質人格與自我傷害行為頻率的關係。最後,基於本研究結果提出未來研究與實務應用建議以供參考。
The main purpose of this study was to explore adolescent self-harm in senior high schools and vocational schools in Taiwan, and to explore the relationship among personality, emotion regulation and life stress on adolescent self-harm. This study propsed that adolescent cognitive emotion regulation mediated the relationship between neurotic personality and self-harm frequency, and that life stress moderated the relationship between neurotic personality and cognitive emotion regulation, and the relationship between neurotic personality and self-harm frequency. This study used convenience sample, and the participants were 1724 senior high school and vocational school students in Taiwan. There were 514 students who had self-harm behavior. Data were collected by anonymous self-report. The instruments used in this study included Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory, Adolescent Personal Style Inventory, Life stress Inventory, and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, chi-square test, independent sample t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, multiple logistic regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1) The prevalence of adolescent self-harm was 29.8% in senior high school and vocational school. The prevalence of female was higher than male was, but there were no differences in the frequency of self-harm behavior between male and female. There are differences in female and male in the way of self-harm. The prevalence of vocational school students was higher than senior high school students, but there were no differences in the frequency of self-harm behavior between vocational school students and senior high school students. There were also no differences in prevalence and in the frequency of self-harm behavior across grades and regions. 2) Neuroticism and life stress were associated with the frequency of self-harm. Neuroticism was associated with negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies. The frequency of self-harm was associated with emotion regulation strategies - self-blame and catastrophizing in the group of self-harm that occurs once and in the group that self-harm occurs one more times. 3) Diathesis-stress model can explain the frequency of self-harm, but it can’t explain the occurrence of self-harm behavior. 4) The mediating effect of negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies was not found between the relationship between neuroticism and the occurrence frequency of self-harm. 5) The moderated mediation model was supported only in the model which blaming-others mediated the relationship between nurotism and frequency of self-harm. Based on the finding in this study, future research directions and practical implication were proposed.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079848528