Title: 隱性建築
Inapparent Architecture
Authors: 林暉傑
Lin, Huei-Chieh
Tseng, C. David
Keywords: 隱性;內部;架構;階段;時間;inapparent;time;stage;structure of space;interior
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 建築思考的第一步會有一個建築意圖,如何做這一次設計?要做甚麼?而原因各式各樣,可以是自身的偏好、環境基地因素、政治社會因素、藝術家影響等等……,在大方向釐清之後,開始試著朝可能的解法前進──從空間的關係與意圖開始形塑與探討。這種思考方式下的建築,其狀態容易從內部空間衍生而出,或是其狀態存在於建築構件彼此相互關係下──建築立面(外觀)、建築形式往往不是優先考慮因素──因此其觀注的議題不容易從立面(外觀)讀出,也不容易出現很”建築”的具體形態,必須從其發展的原因與空間元素之間的關係抽絲剝繭,才可將建築的議題讀出,此種建築我將之稱為”隱性建築”。 第一章設計來自設計者自身因素,表現方式相當不外顯,屬於第一個層次的隱建築──由內部生成空間──從外部幾乎看不出內部空間形態,但在內部卻有著強烈的表現方式。 第二章依主要因素(設計起因)分成兩小節。第一節設計來自環境因素,擁有隱建築的第一個層次,也有隱建築的第二個層次──由空間元素之間的架構關係生成。建築設計來自於環境,對於參觀者而言單純外觀無法辨識建築意圖,需參觀內部後了解環境與建築的關係才能得知,因此建築是隱身於抽象的建築與環境關係中。 第二章第二節同第一節兼有兩種隱建築層次,然而其設計起因針對某一特定因素,其他建築元素皆環繞其上而架構出,與第一節設計起因為環境因素不同,然兩者皆因空間元素架構關係而生成,非一完整具象建築物且不可從外觀判斷之特性相同。   第三章的隱建築可說幾乎不存在立面,因此第一個層次無法討論;擁有第二個層次,架構的關係依然存在;加入了第三個層次──由不同階段的過渡形成空間,因為其具有與時間一同前進的特性,最後的階段並不代表所有的建築設計,也見不到所有的設計,建築是隱身在時間之中。
Architectural intention is the first issue in mind for architectural thoughts. How would you design? What would you design? It all varies from personal preference, environmental factor of the site, social political issue, or influence by artists. After identifying the key factor, one starts to look for possible solution by drafting and exploring the relations of space and ideology. From these considerations, architectural form is likely to be derived from its interior space, or exists in the interaction of architectural elements. Facade (exterior) and architectural style are not always the first priority – since the issue involved may not be easily interpreted from the facade (exterior), and the physical form may not be very “architectural”. We have to look into the relationship between development factors and space elements carefully before finding out the architectural issue. I therefore name this as “inapparent architecture”. In chapter one, the designs are originated from the factors of designer’s preference. The presentation is not explicit and is the first level of inapparent architecture – separation of interior and exterior that form of interior is almost indistinguishable from exterior, while the interior is presented fiercely. Chapter two is divided into two sections by key issues (causes of design). The first section is about environmental factor that includes the first and second level of inapparent architecture, which is created from the structure of space elements. Architectural design is originated from environment. Audience may not be able to distinguish the architectural intention purely from the exterior until visiting the interior and studying the relations between environment and architecture. The architecture itself exists within the abstract relations of architecture and environment. The second section of chapter two includes the first and second level of inapparent architecture, which is the same as section one. However, in this section, the origin of design follows a designated reason, while other architectural elements are developed based on this reason. Although the cause of design in the section is different from section one, which the environmental factors are origin of design, designs of both sections are developed from the structure of space elements. They are not a complete architecture and its equivalence in characteristics cannot be distinguished from its exterior appearance. In chapter three, there is almost no facade in the inapparent architecture. Thus, there is no discussion on the first level of inapparent architecture in this chapter. However, it includes the second level with the structural relations, as well as the third level – change of architectural program. It evolves with time and the last stage is not a representation of overall architectural designs. Not all the designs can be found as the architectures integrate with time.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070059522
Appears in Collections:Thesis