標題: 新數位建築建造媒材之規範
A Paradigm for Architectural Construction in Terms of Digital Media
作者: 梁凱翔
Liang, Kai-hsiang
Liu, Yu-Tung
關鍵字: 建築媒材;數位建築;建築流程;Architectural media;Digital architecture;Construction process
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 建築媒材與建造流程息息相關,因為建造流程的需要,才有建築媒材的出現。最早記錄建築媒材的書是維楚菲厄斯的《建築十書》。此後,阿爾伯蒂的《建築十書》、瑟利歐的《建築》、以及帕拉底歐的《建築四書》記錄了當時的建築規範。前述提到的這些建築經典規範,將當時新出現的的建築媒材加以記錄與定義。而後,各國也一一制定符合建造流程的標準規範。 本研究分析了當代最主要的建造流程,將非數位建築的建造流程歸納為五個階段:「建築計畫」、「概念設計」、「設計發展」、「細部設計與施工圖」、「現場施工」。然而,這個流程早在數位媒材出現前就已經確立。因而本研究歸納當代數位建築建造流程的研究,並加以分析及彙整成六個階段:「早期設計」、「設計定案」、「施工圖階段」、「單元生產」、「預組裝」以及「組裝」。本研究比較兩者後發現,數位建築建造流程有新的階段出現。 本研究將建築媒材的焦點放在建築圖說。研究問題是在數位建造流程的各階段中,先找出其對應圖說,而後找出無法歸類在既有規範內的建築圖說。主要目標是將尚未被定義清楚的圖說提出規範。又因為數位建築圖說需要數倍於非數位建築圖說的圖量才得以呈現設計。所以本研究的次要目標是將規範程式化,此程式將會自動產生符合前述規範標準的數位建築圖說。 本研究有四種研究方法,分別應用在四個步驟。第一步是分析數位建築案例,歸納數位建築建造的各階段所對應之建築圖說,並分析之。然後找出新圖說,並歸納其要點以得到初步建築圖說規範。第二步是為了驗證初步規範是否可行,訪談前述數位建築案例之設計專家進以修正規範。為了次要目標,第三步是撰寫一個自動化產生符合規範的程式。最後,以設計數位建築為主的建築設計師為受測者進行認知實驗,驗證程式是否有需要調整之處。 結論是本研究發現在數位建築建造流程中有新的建築圖說產生:數位平面圖、數位結構剖面圖、數位單元生產圖、以及數位單元組裝圖,本研究將這四套圖制定規範。今日台灣的數位建築已經越來越普遍,本研究的貢獻是讓未來數位建築流程有定義清楚的新數位建築建造媒材之規範可供參考。研究的限制是案例數量有限,未來研究將收集及分析更多數位建築案例資料進行再驗證。
The advent of architectural media is closely related to construction processes, which leads to the inseparable relationship between each other. The earliest known record of architectural media is provided in De Architectura Libri Decem by Vitruvius. From then on, De Re Aedificatoria by Alberti, L’ Architettura by Serlio, and Quatrro Libri by Palladio offer classical architectural paradigms as well as the definitions of the newly-developed architectural media. Afterwards, each country has instituted the standards for construction processes. This study first analyzes the most significant non-digital construction process having been made long before the presence of digital media, and divides the process into five stages including architectural program, conceptual design, design development, detailed design, and construction. After reviewing previous research on contemporary digital construction process, this study suggests six stages of digital construction process as follows: early design, final design, unit construction plan, unit manufacture, pre-fabrication, and on-site assembly. As a result, there are new stages in digital construction process. This study focuses on drawings of architectural media. By identifying the drawings of corresponding stages in digital construction process, one can then discover the drawings that can't be included in any existing standards. The main objective of the study is to categorize the aforementioned drawings. On the other hand, since the number of drawings needed for clear exhibition of digital construction process is far more than that for non-digital construction process, the secondary objective is to develop a program which is expected to produce drawings that are compatible with contemporary paradigms of digital construction process. Four steps are carried out in this study, each of which is done with a particular research approach respectively. The first is to analyze the cases of digital architecture with an eye to finding out new drawings as well as defining preliminary paradigms for each. Following that comes along the verification of feasibility of the preliminary paradigm by interviewing chief designers of the aforementioned digital architectural cases, in turn making proper adjustment to the preliminary paradigms. Third, to achieve the aforementioned secondary purpose, the study devotes to writing a program which is capable of automatically producing a program which matches the paradigm. Lastly, in order to justify whether there's need for any adjustment in the program, the study practices a cognitive experiment on designers who mainly design digital architecture. This study finds four new sets of architectural drawings, including digital floor plans, digital structural sections, digital shop drawings, and digital assembly drawings, since the emergence of digital construction process. Paradigms are then well-defined in this study. As digital architecture is becoming the mainstream in Taiwan, this study aims to make paradigms for architectural construction in term of digital media. But the limited number of cases may have led to some flaws of the study. With the growing number of digital architecture cases, further examination should be conducted in future studies.


  1. 681101.pdf

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