Title: 組織變革之高效能組織建立_以日本航空變革為例
Organizational Change of Establish Highly Effective Organization:A Case of Japan Airlines Reorganization
Authors: 劉亭汝
Liu, Ting-Ju
Tang, Yin-Zhang
Keywords: 高效能模式;組織領導;組織變革;日本航空重整;稻盛和夫;教練;變形蟲模式;Highly Effective Organization;Leadership;Organizational Change;Japan Airlines Reorganization;Kazuo Inamori;Coach;Amoeba Management
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本論文由高效能為核心,以日本航空變革為研究主體,分析稻盛和夫以「教練」角色領導2010年之日本航空變革。日航過去經歷兩次總裁領導的變革失敗,四次資金援助,依然於2009年度面臨破產命運,為什麼2010年稻盛和夫領導的日航變革能讓日本航空於2011年初即終結再生手續,更於2010年創下六十年來最高獲利成績。
本篇論文首先歸納出高效能組織模式、人才與團隊,歸納本篇之高效能模式。接著以John P. Kotter 變革模型分析日航變革過程與其關鍵角色,最終以Leavitt 三種組織變革機制所改變之綜合模式(組織高信任模式、組織結構配置模式、利潤模式)呈現日航變革之結果。
The thesis emphasis to Highly Effective Organization Mode, and how Kazuo Inamori acted as a Coach to lead Japan Airlines Organizational Change in 2010 as the research subject.
First, the thesis concludes Highly Effective Organization Mode, talent and team. And uses John P. Kotter’s change model to show the process of organizational change and analysis its key role. Then show the result of JAL organizational change of the integrated model (organization of the highly trust culture , organizational structure configuration mode, profit mode) ,which comes out from Leavitt three organizational change mechanism.
This study analysis found:
First, the Highly Effective Organizational Mode is established by the highly trust organizational culture, properly organizational structure configuration mode, and good profits mode of the company.
Second, the key entry point of organizational change absolute influence the outcome of the change.
Third, the external leader of organizational change is more properly for a bureaucratic organization.
Fourth, " Transformational Coaching " and “Coaching Leadership” can break the burdensome bureaucratic culture.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353721
Appears in Collections:Thesis