Title: | 探討組織變革與組織行為在資訊需求管理及規畫-以I公司為例 A Study of Organizational Change and Organizational Behavior in Information Needs and Management Planning - A Case Study of Company ILX |
Authors: | 寗梅君 Ning, Mei-Chun 楊千 Yang, Chyan 管理學院資訊管理學程 |
Keywords: | 組織變革;組織行為;資訊管理;資訊需求管理;協同合作;Organizational Change;Organizational Behavior;Information Management;Collaboration |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 在現今激烈的營運競爭之下,為了取得與創造更大、更具有競爭力的價值與市場,「整併」、「收購」、「合併」的方向,是全球各行各業討論的方向之一。如何對外在全球取得更多的利潤,對內落實願景、目標的傳遞一致,減少組織變革與組織行為的風險與管理,促進組織間的溝通協調與價值創造-開源與節流,並嚴格執行管理要求與目標、績效的檢視,才可營造出一個成功的併購企業。 當企業組織中產生變革時,直接衝擊的使用者單位常會伴隨著的組織行為,就是提出資訊透明化的需求。而企業資訊部門常會面臨的狀況是,有單一系統卻因為組織變革而有多使用者管理權責時,要將使用者需求進行標準化與一致化管理時,就會非常的困難,且常有很多的時機點是無法主導的,但標準化卻又是資訊部門在資訊系統的管理政策中,非常重要的管理策略。 本研究為形成使用者朝一致化管理思維及標準化作業流程的機制,並在"先有共識再共事"的期望下,讓不同管理組織權責的主管及作業窗口,可先自行溝通與確認管理目的、管理方式與步驟、可行方案等評估作業,形成共識後,再提出資訊開發需求的申請給企業的資訊部門單位。故以面板製造公司導入與應用Microsoft SharePoint 2007軟體做為管理平臺的系統基礎,設計建構出協同合作的管理機制與及跨單位的會議運作,同時整合使用者部門內日常工作檢核的管理機制,並經由問卷來確認本研究建置的管理機制與平臺確實達成預期目標與有其管理效益存在。並期望藉此研究設計的企業內部協同合作機制及管理平臺,可用以協助更多企業在組織變革的執行期間,管理一致化、作業流程與系統標準化,以及系統開發與設計更加精益求精的目標達成。 Under the pressure of fierce competition, companies often seek joint venture, acquisition, and merger as a way to be more competitive in the market. The newly formed organization not only has to generate more profits, but also needs to minimize the impact of bringing different companies together, and create more values through internal communication and unification of the vision/objectives. Only then could the case be considered a success. When the organization undergoes structural changes, users that are influenced directly often ask for transparency and sharing of information. Consequently, the problem faced by the IT department is that a system may serve different user who have different requirements. That is the challenge for the IT department to fulfill the requirements while achieving standardization, which is very important in the management of information systems. This research proposes a mechanism which aims to standardize internal management and real-time business operations, by making users from different departments communicate with one another first. Through communication, the users will reach a mutual understanding about the purposes of the requirements, and think of a standard solution, which they will propose to the IT department. The mechanism consists of managerial functions and cross-departmental meeting, integrating tools that review users' daily-operations. In this research, we use a display panel manufacturing company with Microsoft SharePoint 2007 software as our case study, and adopt questionnaire to evaluate the validity and effectiveness of the mechanism. The goal is to help other corporate undergoing structural changes be able to unify business management, business operations, and information systems, by improving system design and development at the same time. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/126015 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |