標題: 全球員工薪酬計畫之策略研究-以H公司為例
The Strategy of Global Employee Compensation Plan- Case Study of H Company
作者: 沈孝廉
Shen, Hsiao-Lien
Yang, Chyan
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 電子束晶圓檢測設備;全球員工薪酬計畫;Electron-Beam Inspection Tool;Global Employee Compensation Plan
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 自1970年間,台灣政府主導半導體技術引進,發展至今四十餘年歷史,其中晶圓代工約佔七成,半導體封測服務約佔五成,2012~2016台灣半導體設備資本支出居全球之冠。半導體設備產業因技術困難度及跨入障礙高,過去以歐美日設備大廠為主的寡佔市場,台灣僅有少數代理商業務。近年來,台灣投入半導體設備產業發展,雖仍無法與歐美日設備大廠相互抗衡,但已逐漸取得一席之地。台灣半導體設備產業面對全球快速競爭變化的環境下,全球性組織策略布局,已成為企業維持競爭優勢及成長動能的必要方式。本研究以台灣半導體設備商H公司為研究對象,H公司是半導體電子束晶圓檢測設備供應商,在電子束晶圓檢測設備市場擁有85%以上的市佔率。H公司擁有高市佔率,主要因產品技術領先同業,提供品質效能優於同業之產品。如何留住公司重要關鍵人才,在人力資本維持方面,H公司面臨人才的挖角、技術能力傳承、接班計畫等人力資源策略計畫,使公司能維持技術領先,產品技術服務滿足客戶需求,維持高成長及高績效組織效能。本研究根據上述的背景,期望以個案分析方式,依公司所推行的員工薪酬計畫策略,探討員工薪酬方案的選擇及實施之效果,並針對H公司高階及中階經理人進行訪談,再對員工進行薪酬計畫策略問卷,進行回饋分析,說明H公司員工薪酬計畫成效及建議改善方案,以協助未來企業在擬定員工薪酬計畫策略時,提供有用之策略分析及建議,選擇適合企業最佳的員工薪酬計畫策略,並降低可能的營運、財務及法律風險,以期企業發展績效與員工薪酬制度系統連結,提升企業在整體產業競爭力。
Since 1970, Taiwan's government led introduction of semiconductor technology, the development has more than 40 years, which accounted for about 70% in foundries and 50% in packaging and testing service. From 2012 to 2016, Taiwan’s semiconductor equipment capital expenditure ranks first in the world. The semiconductor equipment industry due to technical difficulties and high entry barriers, Western and Japanese equipment maker dominate in this market during the past decades. Taiwan only has a few of agent service business. In recent years, Taiwan invested in the development of semiconductor equipment industry, though still unable to compete with global equipment makers, but gradually take a place. Taiwan’s semiconductor equipment industry faces global competition rapidly changing environment, the global organization strategy layout, has become a necessary way to maintain a competitive advantage and business growth momentum. The study was based on H case of Taiwan’s semiconductor equipment provider, whom is the electron-beam inspection tools provider, with more than 85% market share in the world. H Company has a high market share, mainly due to industry-leading technology product, providing superior product quality and performance with the industry. How to retain key talent of company, H Company facing poaching from competitors, technical ability to inheritance, succession planning and other human resource strategic plan, allowing H Company to maintain a leading technology, products, and high performance and organizational effectiveness. In this study based on the above background, it is desirable to case study approach, according to H Company to implement employee compensation planning strategy, to explore the effect of selection and implementation of employee compensation plan, to interview the H Company’s high-level and mid-level managers, and feedback of employees’ questionnaire, finally suggesting the improvement plan. In order to assist the enterprise in preparing employee compensation plan strategy, and provide useful strategy analysis and suggestion, to reduce possible operational, financial and legal risks, expecting business development performance to connect with employee compensation plan, enhance the overall industrial competitiveness.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363001