標題: 在 IoT/M2M 標準架構上溶入OMA輕量級設備管理通信協定
Incorporating OMA Lightweight M2M Protocol in IoT/M2M Standard Architecture
作者: 安東尼亞
Christian Antonia Lusiarta Putera
Fuchun Joseph Lin
關鍵字: OMA 輕量級設備管理通信;IoT/M2M;IoT/M2M;Device Management;Resource mapping
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 物聯網旨在將大量不同種類的設備整合起來。為了能隨時更新以及修復錯誤,這些設備需要能時常的被發掘及重新設定。設備管理通信協定的提出就是為了減少配置和管理這些物聯網設備所需的時間,尤其是那些裝置在遠端區域的設備。設備管理通信協定實現以物聯網的設備作為管理對象,讓設備管理抽象化及簡單化;尤其在物聯網設備上,通信協定需要具有簡潔、輕便的特點。現今的物聯網國際標準組織如ETSI和oneM2M提出了一種針對物聯網設備管理與配置的輕量化設備管理通信協定稱為 Open Mobile Alliance Lightweight M2M (OMA LWM2M)。通過具有設備管理功能的物聯網平台,我們可以建立設備管理會話使得物聯網應用能夠藉由平台來遠端管理這些設備。例如,可以通過操縱平台的資源樹來取得相對應設備的操作及控制權。然而,如何將OMA LWM2M 與物聯網標準架構平台做整合目前尚未完全解決。 在這項研究之中,我們探討如何把OMA LWM2M 移植到 M2M 標準架構並分析兩者如何合作、通信以建立設備管理的機制。在實驗中,我們藉由分析 (1)啟動bootstrapping (2)註冊 (3)管理和會話服務支持的過程來探討 OMA LWM2M 設備管理通信協定的物件和資源如何映射到 ETSI M2M 的資源樹。 1. 啟動Bootstrapping 是一個需要先行執行的程序用來建立IoT/M2M應用、OMA LWM2M 用戶端和伺服器端的設備之管理會話 2. 註冊程序是用來幫助M2M應用、OMA LWM2M用戶端和其物件註冊到OMA LWM2M 伺服器 3. 管理和會話服務支持是M2M應用透過OMA LWM2M 伺服器來存取OMA LWM2M用戶端的物件和資源的一個程序 為了進行我們的實作與分析,我們在Fraunhofer FOKUS開發的一個遵循物聯網標準的平台OpenMTC上加入了一個新的服務功能稱為遠端實體管理單元 (Remote Entity Management) ,我們使用 Eclipse 子計畫下實作OMA LWM2M 的開源程式範例Leshan 和 Wakaama來建構我們的遠端實體管理單元。為了對系統進行測試,我們另外建立了一個物聯網應用當作測試的對象,包括使用RESTful命令控制設備及其資源、模擬韌體更新的機制、模擬發生錯誤而需遠端重啟的機制都包含在我們的測試當中。
IoT/M2M aims to integrate a large number of heterogeneous devices which are constantly required to be discovered and reconfigured in order to bring them up to date or to recover their failures. The device management protocol is needed to reduce the amount of time to configure and to manage those IoT/M2M devices, especially for the M2M devices located in the remote area. The device management protocol enables abstraction of an IoT/M2M device as a managed object to ease the management of device; to do this for IoT/M2M devices, this abstraction has to be concise and lightweight. The IoT/M2M international standard organizations, such as ETSI and OneM2M, proposed the use of lightweight device management protocol called Open Mobile Alliance Lightweight M2M (OMA LWM2M) protocol to manage and to configure the IoT/M2M devices from IoT/M2M platform. By incorporating device management in the IoT/M2M platform, we can establish device management sessions that allow an IoT/M2M application to manage IoT/M2M devices remotely from the IoT/M2M service platform. For example, by manipulating resource trees in the cyber space from the IoT/M2M platform we gain access and control to the corresponding sensors/devices in the physical world. However, how to perform resource mapping of OMA LWM2M in the IoT/M2M standard architecture platform is not well addressed by the standard. In this research, we examine how to incorporate the OMA LWM2M in the M2M standard architecture and we analyze how the M2M standard architecture can collaborate and communicate with OMA LWM2M protocol to establish device management sessions. For the experimental process, we analyze the resource mapping of OMA LWM2M objects and resources into the ETSI M2M resource tree by analyzing the processes of (1) Bootstrapping, (2) Registration, and (3) Management and Service Enablement Session. 1. The bootstrapping process is used to provision the OMA LWM2M objects to the IoT/M2M platform for device management session. 2. The registration process is used to register the OMA LWM2M Client and its Objects in the OMA LWM2M Server. This process is analyzed during the device triggering session. 3. The Device Management and Service Enablement Session is a procedure of accessing Object or Resource of the OMA LWM2M Client by an M2M application using OMA LWM2M Server. In order to proceed with our implementation and analysis, we develop Remote Entity Management (REM) Service Capability on top of the OpenMTC, an ETSI M2M standard compliant system from Fraunhofer FOKUS. We also utilize Eclipse Leshan and Wakaama that are the OMA LWM2M open-source reference implementations to implement the REM Capability. To proceed with the analysis, we build an IoT/M2M application and do features testing on it. The feature testing includes the manipulation of the device objects and resources using RESTful commands, the simulation of firmware update mechanism, and the simulation of the remote reboot mechanism for fault management.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070260810