標題: 將OMA輕量級物聯網閘道整合至M2M標準架構的挑戰
Challenges of Incorporating OMA LWM2M Gateway in M2M Standard Architecture
作者: 張維剛
關鍵字: device management;OMA LWM2M;IoT/M2M Gateway;M2M standard;device management;OMA LWM2M;IoT/M2M Gateway;M2M standard
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 物聯網可以讓數以百萬計的裝置連上網路,因此有效地管理這些大量裝置是一件很重要的事情。在許多裝置管理協定之中,Open Mobile Alliance Lightweight M2M (OMA LWM2M) 已經被國際物聯網標準ETSI M2M以及oneM2M所採納作為裝置管理的協定。然而由於OMA LWM2M的標準還正在發展中,符合OMA LWM2M的裝置還沒有被廣泛地使用。另一方面,現今還存在著數以百萬的傳統裝置與感測器,它們不支援OMA LWM2M協定。因此要怎麼整合這些傳統裝置,讓他們可以被OMA LWM2M Server所管理是一件重要的議題。此外,要怎麼在物聯網標準平台之中使用OMA LWM2M協定,在標準中並沒有被詳細地規範。在這篇研究中,我們提出在OMA LWM2M Server與傳統裝置間加入LWM2M Gateway的挑戰,以及更進一步地將這個LWM2M Gateway整合進ETSI M2M以及類似oneM2M的物聯網標準架構之中。在論文中,我們不但將我們整合後的系統的能力表述無遺,也進一步分析了單純OMA系統以及整合了OMA的物聯網標準架構之間的差異。
The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the connections of billions of devices to the Internet. It is thus very important to effectively manage this huge amount of devices. Among many available device management protocols, Open Mobile Alliance Lightweight M2M (OMA LWM2M) has been adopted by the global M2M standards, ETSI M2M and onwM2M as the standard for device management. However, OMA LWM2M-supported devices are still not widely available because the standard is still under development. On the other hand, there are millions of legacy devices and sensors that do not support the OMA LWM2M protocol. Consequently, how to integrate non-OMA LWM2M devices so that they can be managed by OMA LWM2M Server is urgently needed. Moreover, how to exercise OMA LWM2M device management from the M2M standards is also not well addressed by the standard. In this paper, we address both challenges by first designing an OMA LWM2M gateway between OMA LWM2M server and non-OMA LWM2M devices (legacy devices). Then we further integrate this gateway in the ETSI M2M and oneM2M-like standard architecture. The paper not only explains the capabilities of our system in detail but also analyzes the differences between the OMA system standalone and the one embedded in the M2M standard architecture.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356527