標題: 收發分置雷達傳感器所成帶狀邊界覆蓋 之容錯及最小花費佈署方法
Fault-tolerance and Minimum Cost Placement of Bistatic Radar Sensors for Belt Barrier Coverage
作者: 張馨勻
Chang, Hsin-Yun
Chen, Chiuyuan
關鍵字: 邊界覆蓋;最小花費佈署;邊界覆蓋寬度;收發分置雷達;容錯;節能;barrier coverage;barrier breadth;bistatic radar;minimum cost placement;fault tolerance;energy saving
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 「邊界覆蓋」是無線感測網路中一個重要問題。此問題旨在保證偵測出企圖 穿越保護區域的入侵者。過去大部分關於「邊界覆蓋」的研究,主要是基於 圓盤或扇形模型。最近,以收發分置雷達傳感器為模型的邊界覆蓋受到愈來 愈多的關注。一組收發分置雷達傳感器所形成的覆蓋區域與傳統的圓盤或扇 形模型相當不同,且與發送雷達和接收雷達之間的距離相關。「帶狀邊界覆 蓋」是一種邊界覆蓋,其寬度不小於某一選定的門檻值,以使覆蓋品質得以 提升。在文獻[8]中,Wang 與其他學者研究了「收發分置雷達傳感器所成的 帶狀邊界覆蓋」,並試圖建構最小花費的佈署方法。本論文的目的在於研究 「收發分置雷達傳感器所成的帶狀邊界覆蓋」。本論文首先提出一個新的佈 署方法,此方法可以更進一步的減少文獻[8]的佈署花費。本論文同時也探討 了容錯和節能兩議題。據我們所知,本論文是首篇探討「收發分置雷達傳感 器所成的帶狀邊界覆蓋」之容錯和節能議題的文章。
Barrier coverage is an important problem in wireless sensor networks. The problem is finding a method to guarantee the detection of an intruder that tries to cross a protected region. Most of previous studies on barrier coverage are based on the disk coverage model or sector coverage model. Recently, barrier coverage based on the bistatic radar sensor model has received more attention. The coverage area of a bistatic radar is different from that of the disk and sector coverage and is dependent on the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. Belt barrier is a barrier with a breadth not smaller than a predefined threshold so that the coverage quality can be enhanced. In particular, in [9], Wang et al. studied belt barrier coverage in bistatic radar sensor model and construct a placement that try to minimize the total placement cost. The purpose of this thesis is to study belt barrier coverage in bistatic radar sensor model. We first propose a new deployment method that further reduces the total placement cost of [9]. We then study the fault-tolerance issue and the energy-saving issue. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first thesis that studies these two issues in belt barrier coverage in bistatic radar sensor model.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352227