Title: 晶圓代工廠建構設備零配件管理系統之個案研究
Developing Parts Tracking System to improve spare parts management process in Semiconductor Foundry─A Case Study of V Company
Authors: 翁曼玲
Weng, Man-Ling
Li, Yung-Ming
Keywords: 半導體產業;晶圓代工產業;備品零件管理;關鍵零件;Semiconductor;Foundry industries;Inventory management;Spare Parts
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 半導體為電子及通訊產品的核心製程,亦為台灣當前科技產業中,最具代表性的關鍵產業,半導體生產過程步驟繁複,中間經過的半導體機台設備、程序步驟,皆十分精密及複雜,在這樣的精密複雜要求的處理程序下,一部生產機台的零配件,除數量可觀外,也很有可能會有高達數百種以上的零配件更換需求,其生產的製造設備等資本支出,占其總製造成本有相當高的比例。因應半導體製程的特殊要求,機台設備零配件需有抗酸、抗腐蝕性等特性,符合要求的零件成本往往極為高昂。由此可見,在半導體晶圓代工廠中,零配件管理是相當重要的管理議題,稍有不慎,便容易有零件庫存成本過高的問題,尤其當面臨市場景氣不佳、需求緊縮的窘況,庫存管理不良便容易導致企業競爭力下降。 本研究採個案研究的方法,並使用系統生命週期中的瀑布模型建置出零配件管理系統,進行晶圓代工產業在導入此一系統後改善其零配件庫存管理之個案實證研究,並期望提供予企業在未來進行類似系統模型開發及導入時,進行評估及規劃之參考。
Semiconductor is the core process of communication and electronic products. Moreover, semiconductor is the most representative high-Tech industries in Taiwan. The semiconductor manufacturing process involves multiple large steps, which are very complicated. Due to the complicated and precise manufacturing process, there exists high demand of the semiconductor equipments. So, the semiconductor equipments usually have large amount of spare parts, as also have hundreds of thousands repair demand. The equipments and repair capital expenditure always occupy a large proportion of manufacturing cost. Because the spare parts of semiconductor equipments should have antacid and anti-corrosive properties, the cost of spare parts are always very expensive. This shows inventory management of spare parts is a very important management-issue of foundry. If management of spare parts inventory is poor, It's will result in the overstock and higher cost. When facing the demand retrenchment and the worldwide economic recession, the inventory management problem will hurts the competitive edge of company. This study uses a case study and uses the SDLC - Waterfall model to develop the Parts Tracking System. Through the case, a foundry company implements the system to improve their spare parts inventory management process as the empirical research. We expect this research could be a reference for enterprises to build up the similar spare parts management mechanism.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363411
Appears in Collections:Thesis