Title: | 組織導入個人特質品牌化對顧客再購行為之影響 —以台灣旅行業為例 The Influence of Personality Branding to Customer Repurchase Behavior on Organization Introduction – The Case of Taiwan Travel Industry |
Authors: | 陳柏勳 曾芳代 Chen, Po-Hsun ZENG,FANG-DAI 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 品牌權益;企業品牌;個人特質品牌化;結構方程模型;再購行為;旅行業;領隊;導遊;Brand Equity;Corporation Brand;Personality Branding;Repurchase Behavior;Travel agency;Structural Equation Modeling;Tour Guide;Tour Leader |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 台灣旅遊市場最近五年來的蓬勃發展,為台灣旅行業帶來龐大的商機,但在商機背後流淌的是紅海廝殺的血淋淋,為了確保自身的競爭力,旅行業的廠商多半從價格和產品內容去進行調整,殊不知這也為自身的命運套上了枷鎖。在這樣激烈競爭的市場中,要脫穎而出必須穩穩抓住消費者的心,而最能達到此目標的還是優質的服務,所以歸納了眾多要素,最後還是要回到從業人員的服務品質與態度。
針對研究之假設,本文採用結構方程模型(SEM)來對消費者之旅行經驗進行分析,結果發現個人特質的品牌化,能超越企業品牌的效力,針對這個結果,本文提出三點策略性建議,分別針對企業、從業人員以及政府單位,以期能為整體旅行業創造更大的價值。 Travel market in Taiwan has grown very fast in five years, which brought large profits to the whole industry. But behind these profits lied a lot of bloody competition. Many travel agencies adjust their price and product to stay competitive, which also put them into a dead end. To catch up customer’s loyalty, a company should count on best service. So we still have to see employee’s service quality and attitude. In travel industry, there are some star tour guides and tour leaders. By giving differential service and their own specialty, they create a lot of fortune and famous for their travel agencies. So my research focus on this point, I use brand equity view to see if employees’ personality branding could stimulate customer repurchase behavior. Also, I compare the difference between corporation brand and personality branding. I use SEM to analyze my data, and I find that personality branding has a great effect to customer’s repurchase behavior than corporation brand. So I give three advices to the travel industry, hope that it could bring more values. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353751 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/143311 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |