標題: 盧安達的族群建構:一個「動態發展階段」取向的初步嘗試
Constructing Ethnicity in Rwanda:A Preliminary Work on an Approach to Dynamic Developmental Stages
作者: 尤淑芳
Yu, Shu-Fang
Shu, Wei-Der
關鍵字: 族群建構;盧安達;胡圖族;圖西族;族群形成動態發展階段;Construction of Ethnicity;Rwanda;Hutu;Tutsi;Developmental Stages of Ethnic Formation
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 千丘之國盧安達在二十世紀末發生震驚世人的種族滅絕事件,佔盧安達人口多數的胡圖族聲稱要殺光圖西族。本研究想要從盧安達的歷史脈絡中,剖析盧安達兩大族群意識產生的原因,以及造成如此大規模族群衝突的根源為何。 本研究以許維德之「建構力與其構築之族群三階段發展論」作為主要的理論架構,經由爬梳盧安達之相關文獻,以盧安達之族群案例與理論架構對話,得出盧安達族群發展之三階段,並且找出該階段建構之主要因素:第一階段,為盧安達殖民前至1958年,稱為族群「渾沌」階段,亦即族群意識尚未形成。在此階段,雖有比利時之身分證制度固化兩大族群界線,然而此時的社會區分仍以階級為主,族群在此時並未發揮太大效用。族群意識也不明確,有的只是圖西貴族意識。 第二階段,始於1959年「社會革命」至1987年盧安達愛國陣線的成立,稱之為族群意識「形成」階段。「社會革命」首次將圖西整體視為封建奴役者,而胡圖人則是被奴役、壓迫的受害者。卡益邦達的第一共和年代延續身分證制度,並廣泛用於教育及國家任用之上,加深族群的對立。哈比亞利瑪納正式將圖西納為「族群」,加固了胡圖族群意識;在此同時,流亡鄰國的圖西後裔開始組織,形成盧安達愛國陣線,圖西族群意識再度興起,尋求回到祖先的故鄉—盧安達。至此,完成第二階段的族群意識形成。第三階段,自1988年至1994年的種族滅絕事件,稱為族群「具體化」階段。不論是盧安達愛國陣線的入侵或是「胡圖力量」的興起,在在都將圖西和胡圖的族群意識具體化為行動,使得族群想像成為「實體」,並廣泛的與大眾連結。 最後,本文討論種族滅絕的主要因素。本研究認為,族群仇恨意識型態作為工具、經濟情況惡化與糧食危機是為導火線、順從文化及慣習力量是其形式,菁英操作是種族滅絕驅動力的主要來源。
Rwanda, land of a thousand hills, suffered genocide in the late twentieth century when the Hutu majority claimed to kill all the Tutsi. The current research aimed to discover how ethnic consciousness emerged as well as the source of the ethnic conflict. This study is based on the theoretical model of Wei-der Shu’s “Three-phase development theory on the construction of ethnic groups.” Through reviewing literature and analyzing the ethnic groups in Rwanda with the theory, the researcher distinguished the three phases of the development of the ethnic groups and found the significant factors contributing the construction of ethnicity in each phase. The first phase, starting from the pre-colonial period to 1958, could be described as “blur stage” because the ethnic consciousness was not formed yet during this period. In this phase, though the Belgium used identity cards to solidify the distinction between the Hutu and the Tutsi, the society was still divided by classes but not ethnicity. It was the time the ethnic consciousness was low and Tutsi noble consciousness was high. The second phase, “formation” of the ethnic consciousness, is from the “Rwanda Revolution”(also known as the “Social Revolution” or “wind of Destruction”) in 1959 to the establishment of the Rwanda Patriotic Front in 1987. The “Rwanda Revolution” saw the Tutsi as feudal lords and the Hutu as victims of enslavement and oppression, which was never seen before in Rwanda history. Grégoire Kayibanda’s first Republic adopted the Belgium identity cards and used them to discriminate against the Tutsi in terms of the employment of educators and public workers, which worsened the ethnic conflict. Later, Juvénal Habyarimana first classified the Tutsi as an “ethnic group,” which further raised the Hutu’s ethnic consciousness. Meanwhile, descendants of the Tutsi who fled to neighbor countries began to form the Rwanda Patriotic Front, which sought to return to their homeland. The third phase, “embodiment” of the ethnic consciousness, is from 1988 to the genocide in 1994. The invasion of the Rwanda Patriotic Front as well as the surge of the “Hutu Power” could be understood as the events leading the embodiment of ethnic consciousness in this stage.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070355511
Appears in Collections:Thesis