標題: 自我認同與從眾行為對團購意願的影響
The Study of Self-identity and Herding Behavior in Group Buying
作者: 范暄
Fan, Hsuan
Tseng, Fang-Tai
關鍵字: 自我認同;從眾行為;團購意願;Self-identity;Herding behavior;Group buying
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 目前台灣的團購消費模式已經非常普及,無論是受到科技進步所盛行的網路團購或 是一般的大量訂購都因為方便、價格便宜等因素受到消費者的喜愛。然而,除了價格因 素之外,還有很多的因素會影響團購意願。當消費者在進行團購的時候,可能因為無法 實際觸摸產品或是了解產品,而提高了購買所需承擔的風險,為了減少此風險,消費者 可能會參考意見領袖或是參考團體所給的意見或甚至模仿其行為,這就是從眾行為。消 費者亦可能因為自己認同產品所提倡的理念想法或是為了想要形塑自我、改變自我,而 決定購買此商品或加入團購一起購買此項商品。因此,本研究透過自我認同與從眾行為 這兩個因素探討消費者的團購意願,亦探討從眾行為對自我認同與團購意願的中介影 響。 本研究使用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,問卷發放對象為曾經參與團購的消費者,本 研究問卷發放時間為 2016 年 2 月 5 號至 2016 年 3 月 11 日止,共收回 254 份問卷,有 效問卷共 242 份,有效問卷回收率 95%。本研究使用以 SPSS 22.0 及 AMOS 23.0 套裝軟 體作為資料分析工具,使用結構方程式模型分析(SEM)進行研究驗證,實證結果發現: 1. 從眾行為對於團購意願具有正向之影響 2. 從眾行為對於自我認同與團購意願之間具有完全中介效果
Group buying consumption patterns has been very popular in Taiwan. Group buying on the Internet is prevalent because of scientific and technological progress. In addition to price factors, there are many factors that will affect the willingness to buy. During group buying, consumers may not actually touch the product or understand of the product, while this situation increases the risk of buying the product. In order to reduce this risk, consumers may take the suggestion from the opinion leaders or the reference group and imitate the behavior of them. Consumers may also be advocated by the product idea and then they decided to participate in group buying. This study investigate consumers' willingness to buy through self-identity and herding behaviors. This study also explores the impact of the mediating effect of herding behavior between self-identity and willingness of group buying. This study uses questionnaires to collect information. Questionnaires were issued to the consumers which have attended to group buying. The questionnaire distribution ranges from February 5, 2016 to March 11, 2016. 254 questionnaires were returned, and 242 questionnaires are valid. The effective response rate of 95%. This study finds that herding behavior has a positive influence to willingness to attend group buying. Moreover, herd behavior has full mediating effect between self-identity and willingness to attend group buying.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353129