標題: 「土豪」玩家行為對虛擬經濟影響
“Tuhao” Players’ Influence on Virtual Economy
作者: 魏岑溪
關鍵字: 土豪玩家;玩家動機;行為影響;虛擬經濟;tuhao players;motivations of play;behavior influence;virtual economy
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 網絡虛擬遊戲作為當今科技時代的熱門產業,為廣大遊戲玩家群體提供一種娛樂方式,也是一種科技情境下的社會環境。當土豪玩家在遊戲中展現其大手筆的花錢手法,同時也為現實企業創造一份可觀的營收。 本研究從土豪玩家在遊戲中的行為表現入手,搜集典型案例,案例來自于普通玩家、土豪親近朋友、“土豪”本身親自講述。通過過往遊戲文獻研究以及本人遊戲公司實際經驗,結合研究個案給出不同情境下的土豪玩家之投入、動機及影響,包括個人和遊戲(其他玩家和系統)。 最終得出結果:土豪玩家之最大消費來自于對快速成長以及稀有物品獲取的投入,主要動機是贏得遊戲內其他玩家對其力量的崇拜,以此作為個人身份的象徵;對遊戲影響促成未來更新目標是增加內容為土豪玩家提供新體驗、新消費動機,縮小普通玩家與土豪玩家的差距,以“產生新差異,縮小舊差異”的方式反覆更新遊戲產品。土豪與普通玩家之間始終是有距離的。 未來遊戲模式的創新需要玩家、遊戲公司、研究人員的共同參與。
As you can see,online computer games based on internet have become popular industry in our modern society, in the meantime, game players have got a new way of entertainment, which make a different situation. When rich guys spend tremendous fortune to play a virtual game, the companies operating the game get their money to live. This research referring to a special community which includes the “tuhao” players - the nouveau riche in the virtual world, has collected some typical cases for analyzing, these cases came from ordinary players, close friends of tuhao and themselves. With references helping and my past experience, I will show you in what kinds of situations, what the tuhao players did with what motivations, and how to affect the virtual economy. Ultimately, results come out. Most of the special’s money is spent on fast growing and rara avis harvesting; their primary motivations include getting others’ worship through power and identity; influence on the virtual world guides the future game designing, including providing fresh stuff to super rich players, and narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, hereby, updating the game continuously. Innovation in future electronic games must combine players, game companies and researchers.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353520