Title: 職場霸凌、負向互損與反生產行為關係之研究:以內外控人格特質為調節變數
The Relationships between Workplace Bullying, Negative Reciprocity and Counterproductive Behavior: The Moderation of Locus of Control
Authors: 張詩慧
Zhang, Shi-Hui
Wang, Yau-De
Keywords: 職場霸凌;反生產行為;負向互損;內控控人格特質;Workplace Bullying;Counterproductive Behavior;Negative Reciprocity;Locus of Control
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討職場霸凌、負向互損與反生產行為(人際面與組織面) 之前因後果及中介作用關係,並探討人格特質(內外控人格特質)對該關 係模式的調節作用。 本研究採用問卷調查的方式收集資料,以多種產業員工為受測對象, 回收有效問卷共計 214 份,對本研究提出之假設進行實證檢驗,並以 SPSS 22.0 統計軟體為工具對資料進行統計分析。 分析結果顯示:(1)職場霸凌對人際面反生產行為呈顯著正相關;(2) 職場霸凌對組織面反生產行為呈顯著正相關;(3)職場霸凌對負向互損呈 顯著正相關;(4)負向互損部分中介職場霸凌與人際面反生產行為之關係; (5)負向互損部分中介職場霸凌與組織面反生產行為之關係;(6)外控 信念正向調節職場霸凌與反生產行為之關係。 本研究結果有助於組織瞭解職場霸凌對人際面與組織面反生產行為之 影響,並瞭解受害員工的心理反應,同時加入人格特質的調節,有助於管 理者更好的瞭解職場霸凌的危害性後果,採取合理的防範措施,正確的看 待和處理職場霸凌事件,防止損害生產績效。
This study was aimed to explore the causal relationships and mediation effects among workplace bullying, negative reciprocity and counterproductive behavior (interpersonal deviance and organizational deviance), and to investigate the moderation effects of personality traits (locus of control) on the relation. In this research, I collected data form employees in different kinds of industries by using papers and online questionnaires to conduct an empirical test of the hypothesis on a sample including 214 subjects. The results showed that: (1) workplace bullying had a significant positive effect on interpersonal deviance; (2) workplace bullying had a significant positive effect on organizational deviance; (3) workplace bullying had a significant positive effect on negative reciprocity; (4) the negative reciprocity partially mediated the relationship between workplace bullying and interpersonal deviance; (5) the negative reciprocity partially mediated the relationship between workplace bullying and organization deviance; and (6) locus of control moderated the relationship between workplace bullying and counterproductive behavior. The results of this study help organizations to understand the relationships between workplace bullying and interpersonal deviance and organizational deviance, and also the effects of the psychological mechanism-negative reciprocity on the relationships, while taking employee’s locus of control as a moderator. The study calls for managers’ attention to the harmful consequences of workplace bullying in order to take reasonable precautions to prevent the damage of workplace bullying on employees’ performance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353141
Appears in Collections:Thesis