Title: 網印、噴印及膠印應用於台灣工業級矽太陽電池生產之評估
Evaluation of screen printing,ink-jet printing and offset printing to Taiwan's industrial production for silicon solar cells application
Authors: 陳順和
chen, shun-ho
Maa, Jer-Shen
Chen, Chin-Yin
Keywords: 太陽電池;網版印刷;噴墨印刷;膠版印刷;solar cell;inkjet printing;screen printing;offset printing
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 現今世界各國極力發展太陽能發電,國內的再生能源法也在立法中,太陽電池產業極具發展性,目前國內機械設備製造廠的研發製造能力要製造太陽電池印刷製程設備是可行的,國內所製造的機械設備在品質、性能上是不輸國外製造廠,唯一只需解決的是整合的問題,因為目前所看到的國產自動化製程設備在系統整合這塊做的不是很理想,這部分仍須國內機械設備製造廠再投入更多的人力物力去解決。 設備的好壞與生產製程息息相關,因此評估網版印刷、噴墨印刷、膠版印刷技術在工業太陽電池生產上更顯重要。 以網版印刷、噴墨印刷、膠版印刷應用在矽太陽電池印刷製程上的分析得到下列結果: 1.以生產良率的觀點來討論,網版印刷、噴墨印刷及膠版印刷都可達到所需的良率。 2.太陽電池電極導線印刷線寬如果要降至40μm以下則只有噴墨印刷及膠版印刷適合。 3.以製程速度觀點來討論,網版印刷與噴墨印刷速度比膠版印刷慢。 4.以印刷製程中導電材料塗佈方式來討論導電材料的耗費,網版印刷的導電材料耗費比噴墨印刷、膠版印刷來的高。 5.膠版印刷擁有高生產良率、有較低製程成本、印刷線寬能達20~35μm、印刷速度極快達22.01m/s,為最適合於太陽電池電極導線印刷技術。因此要考慮線寬、製程速度、製程成本,膠版印刷較佔優勢。 面對未來太陽電池需求大增,太陽電池製造廠在擴充生產線時可將膠版印刷列入考量,而現有的網版印刷設備可以以最少經費透過設備的升級、更改印刷機構轉變成網版膠版印刷,屆時將可以更快的速度生產出品質、良率更高的太陽電池。
Currently there is a world wide effort to develop solar generated electrical power . In our country , the renewable energy law is at the legislation stage . The research and development as well as the capability of domestic equipment mechanical manufacturing plants for solar cell printing process are quite mature . In general , the qualities of equipment manufactured domestically are not inferior to that of imported equipment . The main weakness is in the system integration of the by domestically made automated tools. This area still requires dedicated effort of mechanical manufacturing companion. There for it is essential to equipment the screen printing , offset printing , and inkjet printing technology for solar cell application. The results of our analyse of screen printing , inkjet printing and offset printing of silicon solar cell printing process are as follow: 1.From the angle of production yield , all three printing technology can reach the reguired yield. 2.To reach a line width 40μm or less in the printing of conduction line only inkjet printing and offset printing can reach the goal . 3.In terms of production throughput , the order is offset printing , screen printing and inkjet printing . Production cost is closely related to production throughput. 4.In the material consumption of conductive parte , from the highest consumption the order is screen printing , offset printing and inkjet printing. 5.Offset printing has high product yield , lower product cost , and the capability to print line are close to 20~35μm . Its high production speed can reach 22.01m/s , it is the most suitable printing technology for current future linewidth requirement . To consider product throughput , and production cost , only offset printing surely to for all to meet the goal . For the increased demand of solar cells in the near future . it is essential to consider offset printing are an option when there is need of the expansion of the production line . It is advised to upgrade the current screen printing tools by considering the more offset printing technology .
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079980502
Appears in Collections:Thesis