Title: 應用層級分析法探討UV光源固化技術之選擇評估
Evaluation and Selection of Ultraviolet Light Source Curing Technology Using The Analytic Hierarchy Process
Authors: 吳鵬宇
Wu, Peng-Yu
Chi, Chiang
Keywords: 紫外光固化;紫外光源;發光二極體;層級分析法;Ultraviolet Curing;Ultraviolet Light Source;Light Emitting Diode;Analytical Hierarchy Process
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract:   近年來紫外光固化設備在全球綠色環保概念的浪潮下,相關的設備、材料廠商也不斷針對此方向進行技術開發,隨著發光二極體逐漸進入發展成熟階段,紫外光的發光二極體技術也開始被應用於紫外光固化製程中以取代傳統汞燈的使用,達到節能減碳的效益,為因應環保議題需求,取代紫外光傳統汞燈光源的替代光源技術、關鍵性光學元件的開發,已在紫外光固化產業中形成重要的發展趨勢。   本研究應用層級分析法探討紫外光光源替代技術之選擇評估。透過文獻探討、光源技術評選參考、產業專家訪談,歸納出替代光源選擇評估考量層面與準則。再利用層級分析法,對於紫外光光源技術開發決策之相關人員進行問卷調查,得出影響紫外光源技術替代決策之評估準則權重,輔以實證研究紫外光源技術之替代評估,以做為紫外光源替代技術之選擇評估決策依據。   最後本研究將所得之分析調查方法,經過實際案例驗證,透過最佳方案選用調查,同時也反映出紫外光固化產業界現行水準,突顯出紫外光發光二極體產業,最能掌握控制是「技術優勢」,其次是「成本優勢」。結果證明有符合評量準則權重分配趨勢。也能夠充分反應產業界之現狀與需求,亦可提供產業投資發展、資源分配趨勢之選擇
  In recent years, under the global trend of green environment protection, the suppliers of equipment and raw materials of the ultraviolet curing machine has continued to develop with this direction. As light emitting diode has stepped into mature stage, the technology of light emitting diode of Ultraviolet has been applied to ultraviolet curing manufacturing process to replace the usage of traditional ultraviolet lamp in order to achieve the benefit of energy-saving. In accordance of the subject of environment protection, the technology of new light sources and the development of key optical components has been an important trend in the ultraviolet curing industry.   This research has used analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to study the evaluation of choose of alternative technology of ultraviolet light. According to the literature review, the references of lighting technology evaluation and interviews with industry experts, we sort the hierarchy and principles the evaluation and selection of alternative technology of ultraviolet light. Through the questionnaire ; the weights for lighting alternative evaluation principles have been obtained. Along with the research of case study of the evaluation of this alternative for the base of decision making.   Finally, through an actual case study and the study of the best alternative choice, the analysis methodology of this research can reflect the current level of ultraviolet curing of the industry of light emitting diode. The most controllable one is “technical advantage” then is “cost advantage”. The result of this research has followed the trend of the weight distribution. Such research can fully reflect the current status and demand of the industry and also can provide the choice of industry investment and resource distribution.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363107
Appears in Collections:Thesis