Title: 應用同軸式全像術於資訊儲存與三維取像之研究
Studies on Data Storage and Three-dimensional Imaging Using In-line Holographic Method
Authors: 林倫廣
Lin, Lun-Kuang
,Lin, Shiuan-Huei
Keywords: 全像術;全像資訊儲存;全像三維取像;Holography;Holographic data storage;Holographic 3D imaging
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本論文將Dennis Gabor所提出的同軸全像應用於光資訊儲存以及三維取像。
In this thesis, we present our studies on holographic data storage and 3D imaging using in-line holographic method.
In holographic data storage part, we first describe the design of our in-line polarization holographic data storage system. Then, we introduce the diffraction light properties of polarization holography, and utilize these properties to filter out the reading beam in order to solve the conjugate image problem. We start with the design of volume polarization holographic data storage system, using orthogonal circular polarization of light as a major recording method. Then, we describe (i) the recording medium - PQ/PMMA photopolymer, made by us in our laboratory and (ii) the working principle of the writing and reading head in our data storage system. Besides the optical experiments, we prove the idea by theoretical analysis. As a final point, in order to find the best recording condition, we study the storage results using different reference patterns and recording planes, and estimate them by bit error rate and channel storage capacity using communicational theory. The evaluated storage capacity of our system is about 16 GB for 5 inch disk.
For 3D imaging part, following the properties of commercial CCD, we use the phase-shifting method to study the in-line digital holography. We design an optical system to execute 3D imaging using digital reconstruction method. The result shows that the system can resolve into ~35 μm when the distance between the CCD and the object is 13 cm. In order to improve the dynamic imaging speed, we execute the design of quasi-in-line digital holography. We use a small angle between the object beam and the reference beam, and utilize the analysis of Fourier spectrum to achieve single exposure reconstruction and 3D imaging. After that, we compare the reconstructed images using in-line and quasi-in-line methods. The results show that in-line method has higher resolution but it requires to record 3 holograms. Therefore, we conclude that in-line method is suitable for static measurements. On the other hand, quasi-in-line method requires to record only 1 hologram, but it shows lower resolution. Therefore, it’s suitable for dynamic measurements. Finally, we reconstruct the dispersed object to demonstrate the 3D imaging ability of in-line digital holography.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352002
Appears in Collections:Thesis