Title: 數位式全像資訊儲存容量探討
A Study on the Storage Capacity of Digital Holographical Memories
Authors: 韋安琪
An-Chi Wei
Ken-Yuh Hsu
Keywords: 全像資訊儲存;容量;全像記憶;數位式全像記憶;Holographical storage;Capacity;Holographical Memories;Digital Holographical Memories
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 本論文以資訊理論及光學實驗探討數位式全像資訊儲存容量。在理論方面,吾人參考前人之研究而應用光訊息原理,以統計觀點推導數位全像資訊儲存之容量、誤碼率等參數之公式,並以光學繞射觀點探討數位全像資訊儲存的特性及極限。在實驗方面,吾人建立一套數位全像儲存系統以進行系統特性實驗。研究過程中,首先由光學繞射原理所推導之公式評估系統受串音干擾的影響。再由實驗上所得之輸出與輸入的信號分佈求其機率關係,以評估系統容量、誤碼率等效能參數。並將實驗結果與前人採用之機率函數相比較。最後,根據前人所推導之訊雜比極限,評估系統單位容量隨記錄頁數之變化。
In this thesis, we probe into the theory and techniques of the storage capacity of digital holographic memories. In the theoretical aspect, we refer to the former studies and apply optical information theory to derive the storage capacity and bit error rate (BER) of this memory system by the statistical point of view. We also apply the diffraction theory to study the characteristics and limits of this system. In the experimental part, we establish a digital holographic storage system for examining the theory. First, by using the formula from diffraction theory, we estimate the effect of cross-talk for our system, then we use the experimental data of the inputs and outputs probabilities to estimate the storage capacity and BER of our system. And we compare the experimental results with the probability distribution functions from the former experts' hypothesis. Finally, based on the signal to noise ratio limit (SNR), we plot the unit capacity versus the number of stored pages.
Appears in Collections:Thesis