Title: 主動積極行為、職涯承諾與員工創造力關係之研究
A Study of Relationship Among Proactive Behaviors、Career Commitment And Creativity
Authors: 黃正義
Keywords: 主動積極行為;職涯承諾;創造力;Proactive Behaviors;Career Commitment;Creativity
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 管理大師 彼得杜拉克曾說「創新(Innovation)與行銷(Marketing)是企業的兩項主要功能」,行銷是為了發現和預期顧客的需要及其性質,而創新即謀求以更有效的方法和途徑以求滿足顧客的需求,企業唯有不斷地創新才能在變化快速的經濟環境中持續發展。創新是實現創意(Creative Ideas),以產生新的產品或服務;創意是源自於企業內每一位員工的創造力(Creativity),讓員工可以藉由創造力產生新穎的並且有益於產品、服務和流程的新想法。 彼得杜拉克:「創新不能被視為獨立的功能, 不能局限於工程或研究上, 必須延伸到企業的各個部門及所有活動上」,所以企業內的每一位員工都應發揮創造力,貢獻創意幫助企業創造新的產品或服務。根據創造力的相關研究文獻,員工在組織內的創造力除了會受到個體差異因素的影響之外,組織內的情境因素(Context)也會影響員工發揮創造力的意願。本研究是探討個體的積極行為、職涯承諾和員工創造力之間的關聯性研究。
Peter F. Drucker:「Business has only two functions — marketing and innovation. 」Marketing is to discover the nature and expectations of customers’ needs, and innovation is to seek more effective ways and means to meet customer needs. Enterprises must continue to innovate for sustainable growth in the fast changing economic environment. Innovation is the implementation of creative ideas to produce new products or services. Creative ideas are derived from creativity of every employee at the enterprises. Employees can generate new ideas for products, services and processes via creativity. Peter F. Drucker:「In the organization of the business enterprise innovation can no more be considered a separate function than marketing. It is not confined to engineering or research but extends across all parts of the business, all functions, all activities.」Therefore, every employee in the enterprise must exhibit greater creativity to contribute ideas to help companies create new products or services. According to creativity-related literature, employees’ creativity within organization will be affected by individual difference factors and organizational contextual influences. This study was to investigate the relationship among proactive behaviors、career commitment and creativity
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363703
Appears in Collections:Thesis