Title: | 殖民主義、冷戰經驗與烏托邦書寫:倪匡《衛斯理系列》的再現政治 Colonialism, Cold War and the Utopian Writing: Politics of Representation in Ni Kuang's Wisely Series |
Authors: | 張智琦 劉紀蕙 Chang, Chih-Chi Liu, Chi-Hui 社會與文化研究所 |
Keywords: | 衛斯理系列;倪匡;殖民主義;冷戰;香港歷史;Wisely Series;Ni Kuang;Colonialism;Cold War;History of Hong Kong |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 《衛斯理系列》是香港作家倪匡最著名的連載小說,從1963年開始在《明報》連載,直到2004年發行最後一篇小說為止,倪匡一共創作了一百四十五篇小說。1980年代以來,《衛斯理系列》風行香港和台灣等華人地區,被視為是「華文科幻文學」的代表作品,多數研究者也在科幻文類的框架下闡釋小說的內涵。本論文則試圖跳脫科幻的框架,透過歷史化和政治化的視角重新闡釋《明報》連載時期(1963-1992)的《衛斯理系列》,一方面將小說文本連結倪匡的生命經驗,一方面參照香港歷史及社會文化脈絡,試圖探究英國殖民和國際冷戰的雙重歷史背景,如何影響、形塑《衛斯理系列》的文化想像和意識形態,而《衛斯理系列》又如何展現出足以挑戰和顛覆既存體制的政治意涵。 本論文發現,《衛斯理系列》和殖民主義、冷戰有極其錯綜複雜的關係,小說不但承繼了西方殖民者的文化想像,也反映出「勾結式殖民主義」的香港社會文化形構;另一方面,《衛斯理系列》也呈現出香港人獨特的冷戰經驗以及「親英美、反共」的意識形態。儘管倪匡受到主流意識形態的制約,他在小說中仍對殖民體制和冷戰意識形態有所反思和批判,更通過烏托邦的書寫模式,將建立理想的人和社會的希望寄託在小說中,從而為殖民/冷戰時代下的香港人開闢了一個超越既存體制、充滿可能性的想像空間。 Wisely Series is a series of novels written by Hong Kong novelist Ni Kuang, and published in the Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao from 1963-92. Nowadays Wisely Series is the prime representative of Chinese science fiction. Most critics and researchers have focused on the “science fiction genre” of Wisely Series, but ignored the different genre elements in texts and the historical context behind it. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore how Ni Kuang’s writing were influenced by British colonialism and Cold War, and to reveal the ideology and political significance in Wisely Series by historical-political reading of Ni Kuang’s novels. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is introduction. Chapter two deals with the relationship between “colonialism” and Wisely Series. Chapter three examines the relationship between “Cold War” and Wisely Series. Chapter four analyzes the meaning of utopian writing of the novels. Chapter five is conclusion. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159703 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/143487 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |