Title: Investigating degradation behaviors induced by mobile Cu ions under high temperature negative bias stress in a-InGaZnO thin film transistors
Authors: Chiang, Hsiao-Cheng
Chang, Ting-Chang
Liao, Po-Yung
Chen, Bo-Wei
Tsao, Yu-Ching
Tsai, Tsung-Ming
Chien, Yu-Chieh
Yang, Yi-Chieh
Chen, Kuan-Fu
Yang, Chung-I
Hung, Yu-Ju
Chang, Kuan-Chang
Zhang, Sheng-Dong
Lin, Sung-Chun
Yeh, Cheng-Yen
Department of Electrophysics
Issue Date: 25-Sep-2017
Abstract: This letter investigates the effect of negative bias temperature stress (NBTS) on amorphous InGaZnO4 thin film transistors with copper electrodes. After 2000 s of NBTS, an abnormal subthreshold swing and on-current (I-on) degradation is observed. The recovery of the Id-Vg curve after either annealing or positive bias temperature stress suggests that there are some native mobile copper ions in the active layer. Both the existence of copper and the degradation mechanism can be confirmed by AC stress with different frequencies and by transmission electron microscope energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis. Published by AIP Publishing.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5004526
ISSN: 0003-6951
DOI: 10.1063/1.5004526
Volume: 111
Appears in Collections:Articles