Title: Bromoallylation of Alkenes Leading to 4-Alkenyl Bromides Based on Trapping of beta-Bromoalkyl Radicals
Authors: Kippo, Takashi
Hamaoka, Kanako
Ueda, Mitsuhiro
Fukuyama, Takahide
Ryu, Ilhyong
Department of Applied Chemistry
Issue Date: 6-Oct-2017
Abstract: A radical-chain addition of allyl bromides to aryl alkenes, vinyl ester, and vinyl phthalimide was studied in which elusive beta-bromodkyl radicals were trapped efficiently to give 5-bromo-1-pentenes in good to high yields (16 examples). A subsequent carbonylative radical cyclization with AIBN/Bu3SnH/CO was successful in giving the corresponding 3,5-disubstituted cyclohexanone derivatives in moderate yields. Synthesis of a piperidine ring was also successful by subsequent reaction with primary amine.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.7b02471
ISSN: 1523-7060
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b02471
Volume: 19
Begin Page: 5198
End Page: 5200
Appears in Collections:Articles