標題: Atypical temporal activation pattern and central-right brain compensation during semantic judgment task in children with early left brain damage
作者: Chang, Yi-Tzu
Lin, Shih-che
Meng, Ling-fu
Fan, Yang-Teng
Institude of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
關鍵字: Brain plasticity;Chinese character and word;Temporal brain potentials;Cerebral palsy
公開日期: 1-Feb-2018
摘要: In this study we investigated the event-related potentials (ERPs) during the semantic judgment task (deciding if the two Chinese characters were semantically related or unrelated) to identify the timing of neural activation in children with early left brain damage (ELBD). The results demonstrated that compared with the controls, children with ELBD had (1) competitive accuracy and reaction time in the semantic judgment task, (2) weak operation of the N400, (3) stronger, earlier and later compensational positivities (referred to the enhanced P200, P250, and P600 amplitudes) in the central and right region of the brain to successfully engage in semantic judgment. Our preliminary findings indicate that temporally postlesional reorganization is in accordance with the proposed right-hemispheric organization of speech after early left-sided brain lesion. During semantic processing, the orthography has a greater effect on the children with ELBD, and a later semantic reanalysis (P600) is required due to the less efficient N400 at the former stage for semantic integration.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bandl.2018.01.005
ISSN: 0093-934X
DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2018.01.005
Volume: 177
起始頁: 37
結束頁: 43
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